[@Andromedai][@MechonRaptor] Thalion winced behind his mask at the priestess' comment. Apparently some people didn't appreciate his ability to not die without the aid of healing personel. Perhaps that was his own fault, being an alchemist with access to a great deal of potions stashed away in his bag, Glancing behind him with a smirk of his own he replied, [color=ed1c24]"That's a real shame. I could always sell everyone a few spare potions.." [/color] The moment his arm was lifted he sucked in a hiss as the not-yet mended arm was moved. Evidently the healing flask had not aided his wound as much as he had hoped. Rather than voice his displeasure he bit his tongue and waited for the Warden to mend not only the large gash remaining on his shoulder but deftly repaired the torn mesh on his shoulder back to working order. Thalion would need to see a leatherworker in the future to properly mend the damage but it was fine for now. There was work to be done. A guard of the temple produced a replacement for Eantus lost blade and shared a few pleasantries, all while the head warden spoke of a forced march. Thalion accepted the assistance to his feet and assured Solares that he was ready for their long walk any time they were ready. The group was mustering and everyone, guards included, had begun to look for lost comrades or injured. One such guard knelt not so far away with her sword hanging idly from her belt. It was only through a bit of self control that Thalion caught himself behind her reaching for the sword, a would be replacement for his own, when he realized one of the wardens was staring right at him. Rather disapprovingly.. [color=ed1c24]"I uh.. was just...."[/color] The words caught in his throat as he thought of a lie to mask the sticky fingers he was cursed with but was saved by the very guard he was about to rob. The rims of her eyes were wet with tears as she stared at her injured friend, laying upon the ground with claw and fang marks dotting her face and body. "Take her weapon, Rogue. She will not need it much longer I fear.." The injuries were deep. A pang of guilt struck Thalion to his core for a brief moment. A familiar face bloomed in his mind and he was no longer looking at the guards bloody body. He saw a traveling companion he had parted ways with years ago, whom had passed on from severe wounds not long after. A flask came to his hands in an instant as he pushed the Younger guard to the side and crouched beside her fallen friend. Ignoring the protests at his rude behavior, Thalion picked up the Elfs head and gently poured the concoction into her mouth ever so slowly. It was a strong formula he had only recently learned, maybe 3 such brews on him in total now, but it worked quickly. The deepest wounds were on the mend even as he poured the rest of the potion into the guards mouth. Sputtering and coughing, the two guard locked eyes. More tears from both parties began to crest their eyes as they turned to the Blood Elf with a silent thank you. Thalion nodded and took up the guards sword, a curved blade of fine make. In return he passed one weaker flask to the kneeling Guard of Elunes holy temple. [color=ed1c24]"A fair trade." [/color] Standing up and walking away, Thalion tried his hardest not to think about the prophet he had just given out. The sword had value, but potions were harder to come by than steel... Shaking his head he refused to let the though gain a hold on his mind. Thalion had done right. He would do right again if need be.