[@Eklispe] [@TheHangedMan] Charles would be running along side them watching, though he would be running backwards like it was nothing, it was clear he wasn't even using magic to so either. He would chuckle some at Solomon "Well that's what happens when you tire yourself out before we even started running.. I did tell you we was going to do so" he states with a sigh "While it is good pushing yourself to your limit, it's not good to push yourself past that" he says shaking his head. "Well come on you two" he says as he begins walking back to the cabin "We will have dinner, then you two will have two hours of free time before curfew to be in bed" he simply states "I expect you both to be awake by 5 AM tomorrow" he says "When you wake up first thing you will do is take care of your eggs, spend at lest 30 minutes with it before heading to breakfast, then we will return to training" he states to them. When they arrive back at the cabin Charles would go inside, a new table would be inside that wasn't there when they entered before, and the table would be covered in food, of all kinds. They'd notice goblets, plates, and utensils all floating to the table like invisible things was carrying them. Charles would of course sit at the head of the table, "Just think of what you want and it will be brought to you" he states "Including drinks.... NO ALCHOL" he would state his face being extremely serious. he would then seem to wait for a plate of... pizza to land infront of him and he'd chow down, then a second plate.. then a third... eating three entire pizzas, while drinking from his goblet appearing to be some kind of soda.