[@KatherinWinter] *Leaving Cecilia to her thoughts and seeing what she thought on the idea, James would turn his attention to the Counselors. Nodding as he understands what will be happening. He knows Neric would enjoy a competition, but there were other things that James would have fun with. Hopefully this would be a good summer, he already met someone really nice and that won't think of him as crazy if he talks to his hand. Which makes him think on if he would get to talk to Cecilia more during this time at camp. But as Neric put it before, 'The future is in constant motion'. He'll just have to wait, hope and see if she does talk to him more or not. Though the thought also ran through his head that she was only being nice to not be rude, that she is nervous around him now that he showed her. Pushing that thought aside as he looks at the other campers, noting who was going to be at the camp with them. Maybe get to know the others, see how they are like and such*