[@Flightless_Soul] The young woman bowed deeply. "Of course, Natsume-sama. I won't fail you." Her expression was emotionless. She turned and walked out of the office. She wouldn't tell her father or mother until after her assignment. Though this was an assignment her father would definitely be proud of. Coming from a long line of assassins from her father's side, she was taught the basics of the trade at a young age: Be discreet, don't get caught, and use whatever means you have to accomplish your goal. Unfotunately for her, her mother never approved of anything, she never had. She didn't approve of her unless she got top grades in school. Her father was a part of Requiem. Though he worked from the shadows. She shook her head to clear her thoughts and focused on her mission. This should be easy. Unless this man's wife had a gun and was trained to use it. Then it would be slightly more difficult. But Aya was swift, agile. [@King Tai] Aya did not notice as she walked past Ringo, a look of emotionlessness on her face, though a tiny smirk played her plump, pale lips.