A young homeless woman came into the tavern. However, she did not look like your average girl. She had a man's clothes on, wore a cap common to the teenage boys in her home city and had bound her otherwise ample chest. Most people ignored her in this city, which was what she wanted, thanks to her clothing style. Most just thought she was a feminine boy. But under the cap, she had fiery red curls that looked like blood was magically on her head, expressive and wide blue eyes. She placed a silver coin on the counter. "The usual for me, please." Came a husky voice that made her sound like a boy. That was the voice she used whenever dealing with people. Her inherited sword she had gotten from her grandmother, who was long since dead hung around her hips, the baggy peasant's shirt covering her hourglass figure. She watched the Innkeepers, who had taken pity on her, get her usual ready. She sighed softly, then smiled as her food came. "Thank ye." she said in that same voice, beginning to eat. She begged on a well known corner of the market and she was often only given bronze and silver coins but one silver coin was enough to buy her food. She looked and found a poster when she was finished. She went to take a look. She smiled. The perfect opportunity for her. She was more than happy to find this.