Felix was about to give Zoey the same rundown he gave everyone else, but then she bounded off like a hound after a new scent. Felix scratched his head, "Well, I got the last member. Her name is Zoey Ash. Though, I suppose she's not much for socializing... Well, anyway, I am sure you guys are all hungry. I was hoping you'd all still be asleep by the time I got back. It's too bad there are no reliable spells for making food while you are away. Or I'd have breakfast ready for all of you." Felix checked his manadial and saw it was 06:52. Raiya walked in with a tall glass of a brown liquid. No doubt alcohol of some kind. [color=ec008c]"If you need help cooking breakfast, I can cook." [/color] Raiya said with pride, her scowl changing into a snide smile. [color=ec008c]"I happen to be a master chef!"[/color] "Well, I do have a lot of work I need to get into with Travis. If you want to cook the banquet today, I don't have a problem with it. Perhaps even Nemo would like to join you." Felix suggested. Raiya's expression faded. Her smile and optimism: gone. [color=ec008c]"Suuuuuure. I'd positively LOVE it if Nemo came to help!"[/color] She said with heavy sarcasm. Felix turned to Travis. "It's never to early to do some research! Let's do some general diagnostic examinations on the Paragon while we wait for food." Felix suggested, before heading towards the boiler/generator room where the secret entrance to the lab was.