Frankly, Nuva felt now was a bad time to allow that ritual to come to completion, if it hadn't already done so. A brief glance round seemed to put everyone else in good standings for the moment... the enchantress seemed to be unoccupied, so his next sentence targeted her: 'Cassilda, help me put that thing down if you still can!' he called, gesturing to the distorting freak of nature even as he moved toward it. With little fanfare, he hefted his maul and slammed it down toward the corpse-thing's chest, even as he raised his spiked arm in a motion to ram it through its malforming skull immediately afterward. Of course, if that went as planned, it'd die after the maul alone, but if not... if it for whatever reason managed to survive... well, he'd at least have it pinned to one spot, if it didn't simply tear itself free or, gods forbid, dodge in the throes of its mutation. [@POOHEAD189][@Austronaut]