[quote=@Halvtand] [@Shoryu Magami]I didn't stay worried for that long, with bad health and luck you've got a pair of nasty disadvantages left even if the curse is lifted. I mean, if you get too confident in your fireball-slinging we can always have you sneeze in the face of a dragon and watch the show from afar. [/quote] Lol, of course something like that'd happen to me. Anyway, I mostly thought the curse would work because generally speaking "Wizard" characters are ridiculously powerful compared to the rest of their team mates in this sort of world (Galdalf/Saruman > everyone in LoTR, for example), so it only seems fair that I have to work for it, and it was an idea I could easily recycle and modify from one of my own characters. [quote=@Halvtand] Yeah, it's funny how things work out once the characters starts coming in. I was expecting the usual round of heroes as well, but this could be a lot of fun. I actually don't think that a regular "good guy" would suit the party as it looks now. I don't know if you've seen the "the gamers"-films, but we'd have to send the paladin away a lot I reckon. [/quote] I haven't seen the films, but Emmanuel himself would be considered a hero, not an "Anti-Hero". He's more like "Hero With Bad Publicity". As I've mentioned earlier, the Arcane Tower has rather high influence in the world because a vast number of court magicians to various kings are actually people who come from this place, so being on their list is a pretty big deal. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind what happened to [@FickleSickle]'s character too. I should, however, make a point that Ailyn is more than likely going to make a more heroic character too. Unless she decides to use something highly unorthodox to what she usually levitates towards, most of the characters she likes are usually not evil characters or even neutral characters. [quote=@Halvtand] [@Ailyn Evensen] Aah, so this is the one I've heard the legends about. Welcome to the pit of bottomless despair and agony. With diversity in the group as motivation we already have a mage, if you go elf/archer the step from there to druid/witch is not a big leap which would allow you to do healing stuff as well as other nature-based... stuff, and things. However, no one said we can't double up on things, so go ahead and do what you do. If you decide that you don't want to heal then throw it out the window. [/quote] She's a healer at heart, so, like she said, if she doesn't do it with magic she'll end up doing it through alchemy and magical potions. I think it's more an argument of where the healing comes from more than whether or not it will exist. The argument could also be made that, as a "Wizard", not a "Black Mage", Emmanuel could have healing spells in his list as well. [quote=@Halvtand] [@Shoryu Magami] Yes, we are lacking both dwarves and elves as it looks right now. About them using magic, I feel that it is up to the creator of the race (in this game). If we stumble upon a dwarf squatting in a dusty corner of a tavern and the guy's pissed about being the only dwarf that can't do magic then the canon is that all dwarves (present company excluded) can do magic. I think we'll need some place to store and define the canon as the game goes on. I'll start with the first OOC-post, but if this takes off I might create a wiki. [/quote] When I made that statement, I was referring to how my official story project (which Ailyn has taken part in since we've met, but has existed long before I met her) isn't a setting where things like elves or dwarves are relevant, so in all the time we've gone over tropes we've never bothered with these sort of ones. Still, I think you're on the right track with the race creator deciding whether they can use magic or not, though elves at least usually are magically inclined (though it is, like you said, usually nature-based magic, not more arcane magic like what Emmanuel does, which is why I felt the whole master and apprentice idea me and her discussed at one point might only work if she was human, unless the type of magic Emmanuel uses can be taught to other races, which isn't a terrible idea since humans aren't naturally magically inclined in the first place). I think if things hit off a wiki would be a good idea, and I don't mind helping either. To be completely honest, there's no way I could introduce my story project's setting for people to RP with on this site (assuming I was willing to start spoiling enough of the details so people could register characters) with the current format of how these topics are created. IC/OOC/Characters just isn't enough, honestly. There's no doubt in my mind a wiki would be required for it to work, so I completely relate to you on that thought. On one more note, you've put in an interesting character yourself. I'm guessing you hadn't originally planned a goblin but after you realized we're all basically not popular with the authorities you rolled with it? It works, at any rate, but with such an unconventional bunch for this sort of story it really does make me wonder about the plot direction.