Alina wasn't entirely sure what the rogue's response pertained to, simply rolling her eyes and shrugging as she turned her attention to the wounded. Alchemy was not her forte, she much preferred to work with various cloths to create bags or clothing. She could not think of drinking some sort of concoction to heal you, believing it was a duty of the light or nature, not creations of Azeroth's inhabitants. And while she didn't particularly understand how they could brew something that started the healing process, it was far inferior to that of the light, or even something like a druid's power, or a shamans. Even a monk could channel their chi into soothing mists that healed those who were exposed to it, and it was far faster than that potion seemed to be. Alchemy aside, Alina spotted an injured Night Elf guard, laying in pain with claw marks and wounds from what Alina assumed were the Legion's weapons. She would not be longer in this realm if help did not come, and so the Priestess slowly walked over to the dying Elf, placing her cowl back on as she got closer. Death was nothing new to her, but perhaps she try to stop it here, as she knew one of her jobs was to do so. As she knelt down to inspect the wounds, the Elf attempted to move to see the Priestess, but Alina simply shook her head no. [color=#ffffb2]"Shhh... Be still. You fought valiantly, but your wounds are severe. I will do everything in my power to heal you, and so may Elune grant me the strength I need to do so."[/color] She watched as the Night Elf smiled, a glimmer of hope across her face with tears of gentle joy coming. "T..Thank.. You..." In truth, Alina knew her strength would not come from Elune, but from the Light she believed in. But she had studied the Moon Goddess, knowing fully well that the Kaldorei believed in her, so much so that it was hard to argue over how they had control over powers very similar to that of Alina herself. Perhaps the Light and Elune were not so different, but for now, those thoughts were shoved aside. Standing up, Alina began to feel the radiance of the Light surge within her, allowing herself to be the light that this elf believed in. Upon this elf she spoke a Power Word of Radiance, the light immediately transferring into the Elf. Alina did not hesitate next, this time sending holy light directly into the Elf. It was a miracle to Alina that her spells actually began to work, watching as the light began to heal in a rapid manner the wounds that once plagued the dying Night Elf. Under her hood, Alina smiled, glad that another would start the slow process of recovery. The Night Elf's wounds were too severe to fully heal her, but it was enough to ensure she would not die. She would leave the rest of the healing up to another as she turned her attention to the group she had come here with. She had no objections to heading towards their next destination, however a day of walking was less than ideal for her. But, she knew better than to question the wardens, even if she wanted to. Taking a deep breath, she nodded at them, slightly distancing herself from the others and waiting until they would finally depart.