With the others having a chance at Mako, Xerox sat, having some food, when Jericho called for him... her, at least for a little longer. [color=Gold]"Think Duncan's OK?"[/color] [color=aqua]"Well, he can handle himself. I just hope he doesn't get himself captured ... again ..."[/color] Xerox replied, recalling that Duncan had been caught during the SeeD exam, and, although everyone else was also captured, he was imprisoned again not long ago. [color=aqua]"If he keeps getting caught, it would be like his a princess in one of those stories or games."[/color] Xerox joked afterward to try lighten the mood. Eventually Ray came back. It seemed like other than screams of pain, not much was extracted from Mako. Xerox stood up, [color=aqua]"Guess I'll have a go at him. I have needed a guinea pig for a few things."[/color] Xerox walked into the room, Mako could be seen to have gone through a lot of painful torture. Xerox walked up to him, checking to see if Mako was still conscious, which he was. [color=aqua]"Good, good. It's time for the testing to commence."[/color] S/he said, pulling out what looked like a pair of surgeon's gloves. [color=aqua]"Now then, let's see if this works."[/color] Putting the gloves on, Xerox moved his hands inwards towards Mako's skull, before phasing through. His hand was within Mako's brain. Mako was in shock, but couldn't feel any pain. It was written all over his face. [color=aqua]"First test successful. Testing for partial dephase for touch capabilities."[/color] Xerox said, tapping a module with his other hand. With just his fingers, stimulating the brain. Suddenly Mako burst out laughing. [color=aqua]"Interesting. So, this part of the brain when stimulated can cause laughter."[/color] Xerox had adjusted his glasses to see the into Mako's brain. Fiddling a bit more, Mako had moaned. [color=aqua]"Pressure on the hypothalamus can cause production of oxytocin."[/color] Xerox noted. Proceeding to break one of his fingers which had been "fixed", Xerox continued applying pressure, hearing Mako moan again. [color=aqua]"Enjoying the pain now are you?"[/color] Xerox let go and moved his hand to Mako's heart, squeezing his life for a moment, before releasing it. Mako could be seen freezing up. [color=aqua]"Well, the phasing gloves do work on organic matter, that's good. Now, what next ..."[/color] Xerox said, going through the a number of other inventions. [hr] When Xerox had finished his turn, he had gone to the bathroom, changing his clothes as the transformation of gender had worn off. He didn't quite get any useful information from Mako, and didn't continue, in case he broke Mako's mental health, which was probably deteriorating. [hr] After some rest, the airship reached Balamb Garden chaos could be seen. Fighting could be seen everywhere with explosions occurring. [color=aqua]"What the crap is going on!?"[/color] Xerox was confused. Students were fighting each other and Garden faculty were all over the place. As the airship landed, Garden faculty with a number of students came towards the airship. One of the Garden faculty, with a megaphone asks, [b]"Who do you side with? The head master? Or the true master of Garden, Garden Master ZORG?"[/b] Xerox looked at the others confused. [color=aqua]"True master? What the hell are they on about?"[/color] Xerox then spoke to Jericho. [color=aqua]"What should we do? I don't think any of this matters when a missile could be heading straight for us at any moment."[/color]