Ulric shrugged in response to John's query. "They ain't all that interestin' to me after they're caught," the slave hunter admitted. "Though, that stark white girl, couldn't miss her. Never seen nothin' like her before. Someone paid extra to have her though." He paused and knelt to look at something that caught his attention, glancing back toward Dinah. "The captain'll deal with the Ghurkon," he said, unworried about the specifics of the deal. But her observations about the chain intrigued him. "But that chain is interestin'." He nodded as if thinking, the corners of his mouth turning up ever so slightly and then seemed to be talking more to himself than the others, "Maybe they'll be unexpected." After a moment, his thoughts returned to the present and he pointed to the place on the trail that had caught his attention, which was where Brinley's shackle had caused her to fall. "Whaddaya make of this?"