Clara received no response from the man but he did rise from his rest, albeit a tad slowly. He'd look in her direction, but the focus of his gaze seemed to be somewhere much farther behind her. This would not be for long, however, as he would soon focus on the figure before him. For a split second, they would widen in shock, fear, and a longing so intense it made his eye seem to burn. But as he rubbed the sleep away, his mind becoming clear, he'd look back to her with a bit of a sheepish grin. [color=Ivory]"I'll do my best to hurry then. I'm sorry just had trouble sleeping last night."[/color] He'd be quick to rise up fully, his lower half inly covered by a pair of black boxer shorts. He'd pick up the suit from where it hung behind the door and hurry into the bathroom. Within moments, the sounds of the shower could be heard, only to end after three minutes, replaced with the sound of slightly hurried rustling of items. When he came out, his hair was brushed back in a smooth wave with only a hint of dampness still sticking ot it. His suit fit him perfectly, carrying with the slight smell of his favorite cologne. Around his neck was a silver pendant in the shape of blade, the hilt of which held a brilliant ruby that helped to bring a splash of color to the ensemble. It had taken him a totally of about 10 minutes, maybe 11, to get ready after being roused. Running a hand through his hair for a bit of last minute styling, his current style pairing exceptional semblance to the man on the cover of the magazine he'd picked up sometime the day before. Tossing the magazine onto his bed, he would turn back to Clara with a soft, apologetic smile.[color=Ivory]"I think this'll have to do, though I must admit I feel a bit outclassed at the moment. You look stunning, my dear. I especially like what you did with your hair."[/color] After a bit of idle talk, he led them both out of the estate, taking a few moments to check himself as he walked. As they walked outside, a stylish black sports car would be waiting to greet them. After making sure to open the door for his charge, he took a breath, steeling his nerves before sliding into the driver's seat. He tried not to think about the first time he had tried to drive. He was better now, and there were no cows anyway in the city. He was fine. Perfectly fine. They would get to the nightclub mostly intact, though the paint job on the passenger side would need to be redone. And the side mirror replaced. And a fine paid . . . several, in fact. [color=Ivory]"I [i]hate[/i] cars. Life was so much simpler without the damn things, and then suddenly you need them to get anywhere because cities are so stupidly big now and. . ."[/color] The rant was stopped by a heavy sigh. He'd deal with it all later, right now, he wanted to relax. Scratch that, he [b]needed[/b] to relax. he was invited to this party to loosen up, and he couldn't do that if he let his memories of times gone by sour the experience. [color=Ivory][i]Just have to 'live in the moment' right now. Leave's tomorrow problems for tomorrow.[/i][/color] The car was parked a bit of a walk away from the nightclub, as a quick drive around proved their to be no good spots nearby. After assisting Clara out, the two would begin their walk, Jaden still fiddling with his hair every now and then. The sky was darkening to the point [color=Ivory]"So. . . any advice for tonight? This is more your area of expertise, so any advice that keeps me from making a fool of myself would be great."[/color]