[center]She had eyed him carefully as Jaden had not moved at first, and then it seemed as if he had risen from the dead. Clara couldn’t help but raise a brow as she had seen his initial look, but she had chalked it up to her waking him up so suddenly. It was odd, the way he suddenly stared at her and yet it was gone in an instant as he rubbed his eyes - as if there had been something more beyond that gaze, something she couldn’t even begin to guess. Her arms remained crossed upon her chest as he grinned at her, still looking less-than-pleased that she had to come and drag him out of bed. Should this be any inclination as to how the night was going to go, she might as well already plan to drink it away and separate as soon as she had gotten there. Clara couldn’t help the soft huff that fell from her lips at his excuse. It was nearly every night that she hadn’t quite gotten enough sleep, although, she was one to bury herself in bed until he dragged her away -- now that the tables had turned only temporarily, she was far from pleased. “Whatever…” She murmured, her gaze following him perhaps too long as he slipped out of bed, and before she had been caught, she quickly turned on her heel to head back to her room. She wasn’t terribly sure how long he was going to take, but all she had to do was shimmy into her dress and slip on her heels, and she had been good to go for the evening. She dropped her robe as soon as she was back in her room before she reached over to her bed and pulled the dress from the hanger. Clara stepped into it with ease, pulling the tight fabric up and around her smaller figure, pulling it down and situating her breasts so that everything fell exactly where it should. It was one of her favorites, and honestly, she couldn’t remember the last time she wore it -- a shame considering it cost a pretty penny and had been shoved into the back of her closet. The [url=http://www.albumip.com/image/catalog/Clothing/Dresses/Black-Dresses/black-sheer-crochet-lace-panel-bodycon-dress-9138_0.jpg]dress[/url] complimented her figure, covering all of the right spots to give just a little peek of what might lie beneath the layers of black lace. She looked herself over in the mirror before she slipped on her high black platform heels. A spritz of perfume and a bit of dark red lipstick, and Clara was ready to go. Her heels clicked down the hall as she headed back towards Jaden’s room, her clutch under her arm - right away he had apologized. Clara sighed as she looked him over, quite impressed with how quickly he’d cleaned up. The outfit that his friend had chosen for him really had been quite the choice, but as she caught herself looking him over for far too long, she waved him off with the same attitude. “Cut it out --” She began, turning on her high heel to soon step out of the room with him. “And it’s not as if I’ve not done my hair like this before -- You’ve just never paid attention.” She corrected him. Whether that was true or not, she wasn’t terribly certain, but a part of her was a bit pleased that he’d complimented her, considering how long it had taken to get ready. They soon had headed to the car -- probably the worst part of the entire trip. Why he had not given over the reigns and allowed her to drive was beyond her -- Most of the ride had been spent clutching the handle of the door and her seat. “You really might want to give up on the driving…” She murmured once they had arrived, miraculously in one piece. “Or at least not drive in the city… I could have brought us here, you know… Or are you too old fashion to let a woman take the wheel?” Clara prodded at him, straightening her dress as soon as she had gotten out of the car. She couldn’t help but notice how he’d been suddenly high strung -- his hand ran through his hair numerous times and he seemed the most fidgety that she had seen him in a while. Lord, maybe she just needed to get a bit of alcohol in his system -- he would only stand out further if he continued to show his nerves. “You need to calm your shit, for one…” Clara began, eyeing him at her side as she walked next to him, the click of her heels loud against the pavement beneath them. “Because you’re going to be stuck against a damn wall with nothing to do but drink if you continue fidgeting like that…” She breathed a sigh, her clutch tucked under her arm again. “I don’t know why you’re so damn nervous anyway. It’s a club -- all you do is drink and dance and hope to hear any bit of conversation over the loud music that they usually play... “ Clara shrugged, intending on making a beeline to the bar as soon as she had gotten there. “What else do you need to know? You just have to… go with it.” She continued with a little scrunch of her nose. “...You look handsome, by the way.” Clara murmured reluctantly, not one to give compliments, especially to him. She hadn’t bothered looking at him, her gaze only set ahead of them as she walked. “So I wouldn’t be nervous if I were you. You’ll do fine.” Was that a mistake to speak up? Probably. "But don't think you're getting anymore compliments from me." She added as an afterthought. [/center]