[color=black][h1][center] ShadowNinja/ Jacklyn [/center][/h1][/color] Among the shadows crouching eyes closed listening to the footsteps and breathing of the henchmen. They all are relaxed and pretty unaware of what was about to happen. Jacklyn had brought an ear peice that came with her phone. She usually used her phone but she needs both hands free if things go south last thing she needs to worry about is her phone. "[color=black] I am in position.[/color]" She mutters before looking up seeing distant figures,"[color=black]Ready when you are[/color]." She released the button letting out a small sigh going back to watching the henchmen walk by. Jacklyn felt nothing but pity for the boss of this mafia for having such careless guards. Then again, careless is dangerous so she can't gauge on how this will go.