[@LiegeLord] To James' answer to her question, Cecilia was most assuredly relieved. And although his commendation afterword was cause for her to frantically break eye contact in favor of her lap, it was his follow up suggestion that she pondered throughout the twins' breakdown of the camp schedule. Would he settle for her just explaining the best she could? What if she messes up and sounds ridiculous? What if she explains it perfectly or in depth and sound like an uncool nerd? What if he wants a demonstration? What is she going to do?! Throw a rock really far?! Through a tree?! And that's on the basis that she even runs into him after today. And even then... with a power as remarkable as his and a companion as special as Neric, he's sure to make plenty of friends. A week from now, he would have probably performed his "demonstration" with nearly everyone here. She herself may just be the latest in a long line of girls he's amazed with his talent(s). Cecilia smiled thinly, knowing that she wasn't being fair to him. She shook her head, looking down at her bracelets, fiddling with them with her left hand. She still owes him a demonstration of her power, at least a small one, maybe with a set of playing cards... [color=00a651][i]Naaaah![/i][/color] she joked, causing her to chuckle at herself. She imagined that she'd think of something when the time came. For now, she recalled how she had zoned out during the counselors' announcement. Cecilia looked towards James, who seemed interested in meeting the other campers, and smiled. Getting up from the log, she walked over to a nearby bulletin board where the schedule is likely recorded.