It is still a work in progress but I figured I would get something up before I go to sleep. [hider=Wren Alarcon] Username: LostDestiny Name: Wren Alarcon Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Inguz-feline (tiger) Origin: The Xacrines Profession: He is an expert hunter and trapper and makes his living in the fur trade. Weapons: Wren carries little in terms of weapons as he is his own walking weapon. However he does favor a dagger given to him by a Solarian he saved from a mother bear while on one of his hunting trips. Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: Wren is friendly to most unless given a reason not to be. His profession requires it of him. He loves to talk to other people no matter their apparent feeling toward his race and he will trade with anyone, as he holds no fear for the Orcs and cares not for the racism of the Solarians. He is generally laid back and only attacks others if he is being threatened. Short Biography: Wren left his tribe to travel and sell his goods when he was only 15. He didn’t want to be confined to his village and it’s territory any longer than he had to. He finished his training in the art of hunting and trapping not long before he left and was later glad he made the choice to finish. However he never finished his schooling, making him slightly illiterate. He can read prices and write the names of the animals he uses to sell his furs but that is the extent of his knowledge. He has been traveling and selling his goods since he left. Perfectly happy with the practically solitary life he lives when not in towns or villages. He has no horses to pull the carriage he uses to store his good but rather pulls it himself in his shifted tiger form. He noticed early on that this drove off bandits that would otherwise attack him for his goods and money Other Notes: He refuses the practice the Solarian religion of the Flight. Though he keeps said refusal to himself, expertly dodging the question should it come up or pretending as though he is indeed a follower. [/hider]