[b]Name:[/b] Faerveren Kearney [b]Title/Nickname:[/b] Her father first started calling her Fae, and most people end up calling her that too. Other elves will refer to her by her full given name. [b]Age:[/b] 97, but appears to be 24. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Race: [/b]Half breed elf. Human father and high elven mother. [hider=Half Elf]Half elves are magically-inclined in the same way as their elven parents are, though they might have to work harder to develop these abilities due to being less naturally predisposed to those arts, much in the same way as humans need to work harder than elves do and develop a higher state of mind due to a lack of genetic aptitude. Their lifespan varies, though they usually do not live as long as their elven parents. (This description was written up by Shoryu, and just felt like a perfect way to sum it up) [/hider][b]Profession:[/b] Alchemist [b]Trope/Archetype:[/b] [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OurElvesAreBetter]Our Elves Are Different[/url] [b] Appearance:[/b] 161cm/5'3"[hider=Face and Hair][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v368/beautiful_advent_child/Shining_elf_zpsjb6mfnwa.png?t=1476795370[/img][/hider][hider=Clothing and Weapon][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v368/beautiful_advent_child/elf_zpsb5f0typj.jpg?t=1476795435[/img][/hider] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] A wooden bow that has been hand painted with flowering vines all over it and an enchanted quiver of arrows. [*] Alchemists bag of supplies (herbs, supplements, essences, potion bottles). [*] An opal gemstone pendant on a delicate golden chain. It was given to her by her father for her 18th birthday. Other than sentimental value, it holds no power. [/list] [b]Background:[/b] Faeveren’s parents, Malrin and Samuel had first met when she’d found him gravely injured in the woods surrounding her clan. He’d been in a recent skirmish and his group had left him for dead. She nursed him back to health, and well, the rest is history. Malrin was a member of the highest council and marrying a human would have meant exile from the clan, but because she had done so much for them, they had made a sort of exception for her and her family. Fae was brought up to be well rounded in many subjects but she had taken an extreme liking to Alchemy. Samuel insisted she know how to defend herself, and taught her basic sword fighting skills and Malrin taught her archery. Fae had never liked close combat, so she chose to continue her studies in archery later. Just as she had begun to mature in elven years, mortal time had caught up with her father and he passed away when she was 65. For years, Fae struggled with the idea that her and her mother would long outlive her father, but she was never quite ready for the day that would eventually come. To this day, she continues to grieve. The other elves of the clan had been chatting in hushed tones about the halfblooded girl since the day she was born, so she had become used to the sideways glances and the hesitant smiles. But after she’d met Ernst, it got worse. After Fae consulted with her mother, Malrin came to terms with her daughter’s wish to leave the clan and go out on her own. She told Fae that she was welcome home any time, but Fae had a feeling that it may be a while before she returned. She spent some time with the wood elves (as they were less narcissistic and more openly friendly to outsiders than the high elves were) and honed her skills. With her knowledge of alchemy, she sold potions to other travelers as she went from town to town, meeting new people and learning new alchemic recipes. [b]Pros:[/b] [list] [*] Potions/Alchemy Mastery from many years of hard work and practice. [*] Despite retaining a youthful purity and having the appearance of one who is still learning, she has experience and intelligence long over a normal human. [*] Her overall demeanor is a very likeable one. She’s warm-hearted, compassionate and wins over those around her. She also happens to be very proficient at the ‘‘puppy dog eyes’’. [/list] [b]Cons:[/b][list] [*] She tends to always think the best in people (even if they are well known to others to not be so) and often, thinks of others before herself. So much so that the idea of self-care becomes a second thought to her in a dangerous situation. These traits in smaller amounts are usually considered pros, but as the saying goes: “Too much of a good thing…”. Going out of her way to assist others earned her a bit of scorn from her mother’s clan. [*] She’s incredibly self-deprecating and very hard on herself. She tends to apologize for everything, even if she didn’t do anything wrong, and will blame herself for something going wrong, no matter if she’s alone or with a party. [*] For an elf, she has a lot of phobias. She suffers not only from a fear of large crowds, but also claustrophobia in dark, unfamiliar places, and skeletons. Sometimes she would travel at sunset just to avoid the crowds of people who usually come out during the day. Her overarching shyness also drives her tendencies to move around at less crowded times. Travel at night in new territories is only possible with adequate lighting. These fears produce a tightness in her chest which makes it harder to breathe and extreme cases will cause a tearful breakdown. [/list] [b]Other: [/b] Faerveren offered an old wizard by the name of Ernst Leblanc some food and a place to stay while he was on his pilgrimage. In return, he enchanted her quiver of arrows so that she may never run out. Shortly after he had left, word of Faerveren’s generosity had spread to the other elves and she soon became the topic of conversation for aiding one who was of an "inferior race". This irritated her to no end, as she was half-blooded human herself and had already been the subject of mockery due to this fact. Only because of her mother’s status within the clan was she allowed to live at her current residence. She was already on the verge of leaving; citing the other elves constant criticism of other races and insulting those of lower intelligence, but this was the final straw.