[center] It was so terribly odd – Clara had not ventured far from the estate until now, and the layout of what she remembered had changed in ways far greater than she could have expected, and yet she should have anticipated. Certain areas remained similar to her, buildings left as they were, only kept up with to keep them from crumbling, while other parts had been completely overtaken by the firm hold of technology – modern facades coupled with bright signs and lights to label each store. Her home town certainly did not feel like home, not anymore. Still, Clara was used to the ever-changing world around her. She'd felt out of place even in her own century, so it wasn't terribly difficult to adapt as the years had passed them by. She was quick to catch on while Jaden hadn't seemed so lucky – perhaps it was her incessant need to keep herself distracted that helped her conform with ease. Clara had been looking forward to being out of the estate- more than she had let on to Jaden. Her world lie within the various bars and clubs wherever he decided to uproot her and bring her to. It was the perfect combination – liquor, music, and plenty of men who were eager to bite at whatever line she could have tossed out. It was the perfect mesh of things to keep her mind off of other things; to keep her numb at least temporarily until she was forced into a sober awakening from one of her night terrors. The adrenaline was pulsing through her as the click of her heels rang loudly in her ears, but her thoughts had shifted only momentarily when Jaden decided to speak once more. She couldn't help but scoff as she glanced his way. "Darling – none of this is about [i]my[/i] expectations," Clara corrected him without skipping a beat. "You were invited to this and could have very well gone on your own. You need to meet your own expectations, and perhaps your friend's, if he thinks you need to get out more." She shrugged just slightly, easily avoiding his comment. Sure he paid attention to her – if dragging her back home each time she wandered off was counted as paying attention… Clara stifled a sigh at the thought just as they approached the venue, eyeing the frustrated patrons that were lined up at the door, seemingly with little hopes that they would be entering any time soon. They soon were allowed access to the small entrance, Clara easily gliding down the stairs in her tall heels before they were greeted by the large doors that separated them from the surge of music and sin that lie just on the other side. She could already feel her anticipation, eager to dive in and let herself forget for the moment; let herself [i]live[/i] in the swirl of color and liquor before the façade would inevitably come crashing down the next morning. As soon as they had crossed the threshold, the sound of the music just loud enough to keep others from mindless chatter without too much of an effort to yell over it. She felt the anticipation swirling throughout her as her eyes danced across her surroundings, bright lights highlighting VIP seating surrounding dance floors, bars lining the walls. That would be her absolute first stop. Jaden's question had brought her back to reality for only a moment and she looked his way before shaking her head. "Not a good idea to venture out there sober –" Clara corrected him easily enough. Without a doubt, most of the patrons already had a good buzz going on, she just needed to catch up. "I'm going to run to the bar to get something to drink," He was probably going to go on a wild goose chase in finding his friend, but she knew he probably wouldn't give up until he found him – he had only brought along Clara after all, and she doubted he would linger by her side for far too long. "Text me if you find him." She added after and turned with a little wave of her hand to weave through the couples and groups easily as she headed towards the bar. The bar had been illuminated with the same bright pinks, purples, and blues as the rest of the club, spotlights shining down onto, and underneath high end liquor bottles that lined the back wall. She easily had squeezed her way in between two people, and within minutes the bartender was in front of her. "What would you like, darling?" A smaller blonde woman had placed down a napkin before her before Clara had spoken. "Vodka and Cranberry – double," She ordered for herself "And a double rum and Coke as well. " She murmured and the woman was off, already mixing the liquors with both mixes. By the way Jaden had already been acting, without a doubt he needed something to drink to calm his nerves. The glasses were soon placed in front of her and un-phased by the prices of the drinks, she reached into her clutch before she dropped a couple of bills down, already reaching to sip at hers, waiting for her phone to inevitably vibrate. Whether she would stay by his side tonight was up in the air – depended on if anyone else took her fancy, and how much liquor she could get in her system quickly. [/center]