“Prepare to be burned clean of your heresies, oh scoundrels!” Halbark recited from a back-alley play he once did the effects for (before the company he was with was blamed for a district-wide fire) while yanking the door open. With his other hand he grabbed a drinking skin from his wood cabinet-backpack and squeezed it hard to make the cork pop and gush the liquid into his mouth. He swallowed a portion of it before becoming aware that three bandits were moving towards him. He gurgled something as he squashed the drinking skin in-between his two gauntlets, letting the liquid pour over his fists. That was about the time that the first guard heaved his claymore and rushed forward to make the dwarf a little shorter. Things started going fast from there, the skin dropped from Halbarks gauntlets and with a flick of his fingers they were set ablaze. The other two bandits were startled by this but the one already engaging pummelled on with a scream that quickly turned from berserk courage to agony when Halbark spewed the liquid towards the attacker and hefted his flaming gauntlet to ignite it into a blazing fury. The Bandit hacked blindly but Halbark had sidestepped the swing and the blade hit the floor hard, sending it out of the man’s hands and clattering across the floor as the man grabbed his burning face. Virgil and Haukford would probably take care of that is what must’ve gone through Halbarks mind for he ran for the other two guards that were standing there in bewilderment not only because of what had just happened to their childhood friend, but also because the dwarf was actually singing. “Burn their faces and drink their wine, every art-defacing, dark arts practicing heretic is a swine.” It was quite clear which words Halbark mixed in on the fly by the way he sung them, the first bit of the next line wasn’t audible due to the heavy thump of the fiery gauntlet slamming into the shield of one of the two bandits. As Halbark came back on the ground again from the jump he had just preformed he finished the sentence: “- and their charred corpses will soon be mine.” Halbarks gauntlet caught the blade and punched the bandit square between his legs with a flaming gauntlet, he dropped the sword due to it, but his shield bashed hard into the dwarfs face, sending him toppling backwards.