Elizabeth [list] [*] Birth son's name was Peter [/list] Jonathan [list] [*] Has primarily studied anatomy and medicine [*] The most comfortable and eager to socialize with humans of anyone in the clan, and the best at blending in [*] Birth last name was Donnet [*] Loves children and would love to be a father [/list] Eleanora [list] [*] Physically attracted to Bela, but surprisingly faithful to Jonathan despite it [*] Still fond of sweets, despite not needing to eat [*] Close to Jonathan in comfort and ability to socialize and blend in with humans [*] Despite having two children, has no desire to be a mother [*] Staunch atheist [/list] Rowland [list] [*] Has never been married and has no desire to get married, but if anyone asks, his (fictional) first wife's name was Jane [/list] Nadya [list] [*] Missing a ring finger - Elizabeth tore it off [*] Very talented with embroidery and wood carving [*] Really loves wildflowers [/list] Bela [list] [*] (Healed) scar-covered arms from his soldier days [*] Unhealed burn wounds from Elizabeth [*] May or may not be in love with Nadya [*] May or may not have a very deeply denied dream of running off with Nadya, adopting human children, and raising them as a family [*] Has also been known to hit on Eleanora [/list]