[@Crimmy] The beam lancing across the void was painfully bright so close to the Striker, but in Rebekah's opinion that was more of a feature than a flaw. It wasn't so bright as to be blinding, but bright enough that you were never going to miss it. Even if it did leave spots in your eyes if it was too close. In this case, though, she didn't bother dodging; she had set up her shield for just this reason, and she used the extra time to observe where the enemy Zaku went and consider what she would do. Unfortunately, her strategy to flush the enemy unit out only half worked. There were too many places to take cover. Even with her surplus of beam weapons she couldn't destroy all of them. Even if she didn't run out of energy (which she would), it would still take far too long. Her enemy seemed to be intent on avoiding any direct engagements, and she wasn't going to be able to force the issue. So, instead, she would have to figure out a counter. The anchor holding her to the asteroid retracted, and her GM pushed off using its thrusters on low power to send her drifting towards another asteroid. She took a single shot at the Zaku's new hiding place before she departed, but focused on maneuvering after that. The Striker's colors helped it remain unseen, and she hoped that using her thrusters minimally would help mask her position. Once she had ducked behind the next asteroid she repeated the process, aiming to maneuver into a position from which she could fire [i]around[/i] the cover protecting her foe. If the enemy wanted to make this a hit and run fight, she would oblige.