[h1][center][color=6ecff6]Ensign Avillaa Sh'kihlos[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Mess[/center][hr] [i]I can't believe that I was the last person to show up. I was late to the meeting thing. This doesn't bode well for me. At least the Captain hasn't singled me out. She is an interesting person, that's for sure. Almost seems a little reckless, makes sense though. We all have to get along sometime, might as well deal with any problems before we leave.[/i] Avillaa was standing around, and eventually saw a few other science officers who would probably be working with her. She walked over and started conversing with them. After several minutes, she wandered off again, over to another group of people. She wasn't exactly paying much attention to where she was going. After a while, she left the mess and started wandering around the ship again. She had an hour or so before she had to be at her station. She wanted to learn more about the ship, her curiosity was getting the better of her.