Yay more opinions.... And thats just what they are OPINIONS, please only post here with the understanding that these choices are subjective to the individual and no one is stating objective facts. Absolutes can be hard, so to make it easy just post ONE of your favourite fandoms and one of your least favourite fandoms, you can insult people in the abstract (we do it all the time) but lets not use anyone's names. [b]A Fandom I Like![/b] [u]The Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney Fandom[/u] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/aceattorney/images/3/3f/PWAA_Trilogy_Art.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140605233113[/img] I wanted to mention this one just because of how surprisingly refreshing it is. I mean considering its a visual novel game with cute colourful characters youd think itd be a weeb trash magnet. But Ive found the community and fans of this game to be very intelligent, calm and supportive. Even the 'online arguments' about this game tend to be about which characters are better fleshed out and that always seems to result in a calm and rational discussion (Feenie>>Edgy, Ema>>Maya STFU). I think its because the gameplay revolves around really understanding dialouge and motivations and using reason and logic, that in a way this game 'weeds out' the idiot fans youd expect with this genre. If there are any fanclubs I could join I have no [i]Objection[/i] whatsoever. [b]Fandom I Dislike[/b] [u]Sonic The Hedgehog[/u] [img]http://new2.fjcdn.com/comments/Also+what+the+_b86df5888de3801a4c322248b759b4e5.png[/img] Okay so there was a lot to choose from, but I had to settle on Sonic, not even because of the Cringey fanfiction or even the cringe fan art, damn near all video game fanfiction is cringe to me anyway. No, my issue is with the GAMES. I'll put this out there right now, there are no good sonic games. There are 'Okay' Sonic games, like the first 2 and maybe generations, and then the rest range from clunky, to shit, to unplayable. The Fandom is in my bad books simply for how they try to defend these wack games or convince me they are 'better than mario'. Fite me, bring your arguments, I need a good laugh.