Here's the thing. I love Kingdom Hearts as a series. It's gloriously weird and the gameplay is amazing. The plot is rather convoluted and is just getting worse (not bad, just weirder) with each new installment and I generally treat the series like a B-movie when it comes to story... but I can't stand the majority of fanfics or ships I've seen. It bothers me when I see adults being shipped with kids (or teenagers). It bothers me more when I stumble across hard core literary porn when searching for KH fics. Granted finding hard core literary or visual porn when I'm casually surfing a site flusters me no matter what. If I want it then I'll look for it. I don't need it thrown in my face. There are others I could choose but it is one of the easiest to spot in context of people shipping Axel with Sora or Roxas (or in one case Ventus), shipping Aqua with Vanitas for some reason, or Kairi with anyone. Or Sora with anyone. Or Roxas with Xion which is just plain weird considering what they are. And at least one time I saw a fic take Organization XIII and turn it into [i]Orgy[/i] XIII. Is it too much to ask for a nice little fic that takes the metaphysics of Kingdom Hearts and mixes in the actual worlds of Squaresoft, Enix, or Square-Enix titles? Oh and don't get me started on the crossover fics... From what I've seen usually its just a thin excuse to have some other series' character take the lead with a bizarre 'special' keyblade, or have all the characters of the non-Kingdom Hearts title's world get consumed by Heartless. Or the characters the author doesn't like get their asses kicked by the one they [i]do[/i]. Then there's all the OCs. It's not quite as bad as Sonic's OC pool or that one time I saw "Larry the third twin brother of Mario" telling Kamek Koopa he wanted to join the Koopa Troop for some unstated inexplicable reason. But when almost each OC is a Keyblade Master and/or in a romantic pairing with the leads/Organization XIII or there's a new OC brigade that shares the group's name... Naturally all the weapons and outfits are completely ridiculous but that's par for course with Square-Enix. As for fandoms I like? Well... I have a love/hate relationship with Undertale (mostly thanks to Undertail and misrepresentations of canon characters which is common across all fandoms but somehow stands out more with this one to me for some reason) but the one I adore unconditionally is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I grew up with the older My Little Pony series on TV and was disgusted by almost every single one. Too sweet, too 'clean', too many times the characters were squealing about boys or dresses or something inane. Plus at least one show was just unnerving to look at. It took a lot of talking for a friend to get me to see the pilot episode but the moment I did I fell in love. The sheer output of the fandom was the icing on the awesome cake. Quality fics, beautiful artwork, amazing music, and fantastic games! Sure a few were canceled or converted to non-fandom to avoid legal issues ("Them's Fightin' Herds" for one) but even with the occasional smutter or creeper (that one Lyra(?) doll... poor things) or stupidly aggressive anti-nonfans who go completely against the show's core message by being so hateful... it was just amazing to see and I loved almost every bit.