Burt had locked the back door once he left the store in order to keep the soldiers at bay for as long as possible and so they could get a good whiff of his airborne hallucinetic gases. Once he began to hear banging on the door, Mysterio activated the taser function on his cloak and whipped the door open whilst projecting a horned bear running into the room as Mysterio followed suit in a crouched position so that he could avoid the hail of bullets coming from the frantic soldiers. Burt had managed to incapacitate a few with his cloak and proceeded to hide himself in the corner as he began creating increasingly more frightening hallucinations as he picked off the soldier with his wrist mounted guns. The whole ordeal only took a minute or three as most of the soldier fled through the front door back into the superhuman fray outside in a dazed and confused state. Burt proceeded to once more rush out to the refugees to which he saw the addition of three new figures, two refugees and one flame retardant superhuman. "Alright! Lets make like a tree and get outta here. Where are we headed to hot pockets?" Burt asked the pyro-based superhero.