Dusty changed into the new boxer outfit without much desire for modesty. It wasn't the worst thing she had ever worn, most Raider armor was nothing more then straps and rusty metal. Even the outfit she was given didn't bother her, it was similar to the one she wore long ago when she was a boxer. Except then she was much younger. Replacing her, still bloodied, knuckle dusters with boxing gloves only strengthened her feelings of nostalgia. She recalled a time, so many years ago, when the gloves felt heavy on her untrained arms. Dusty chuckled, a genuine laugh at her old self, as she let herself have a few practice swings. As she entered the ring she leaned up against the ropes, in an almost casual way. Her tactic was to make her opponent underestimate her. Dusty smiled and winked at the other woman, the woman who was about to throw down with her. As Jeshua introduced them she finally stood up straight, getting into a fighting stance. The woman looks quick, but pretty lightweight. Dusty needed to keep her stamina up, but it should only take a few good punches to down the other girl. "Hey cutie, my previous lunch date plans...fell through. How about after this we grab a bite to eat?" Dusty, feigning distraction, kept an eye on her opponent. Dusty would let her opponent make the first attack, so she could be ready to block and counter.