“Someone who refers to themselves in the plural. That’s interesting,” Scarlet muttered from her position by the door. She didn’t know if they should trust Lusso all that much, especially when the witch had some kind of correlation to Marianne. Then again, Marianne seemed to know every one of them so they couldn’t be picky in their choice of allies. At least her attention could be put elsewhere, specifically on the portrait above them. As if responding to the mixed reactions, the water seen in the portrait began to manifest in physical shape, pouring out large streams of it. Well that was concerning, but Scarlet doubted the room would be able to flood with the rate of the water and the size of the room. “Oh my. It’d be best to avoid that, wouldn’t it Conna'Cel” said Marianne with slight boredom. Obviously running water might not be the best for a robot, and Scarlet half-suspected the dark girl was just speaking to cause more mischief between them. That seemed to be verified with Marianne’s next set of words. “And what about you? You say you have no memory of this place, but how do they know you’re not just lying?” she asked, turning to Lusso. “You could very well have already been turned into one of this manor’s monsters and you’re just waiting for a counter C.O.M.M.A.N.D.”