[@LadyTabris] Accepted! And here is my charrie. :P [hider=Jocelyn Pavonia][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5e/3b/f5/5e3bf55face47e3a3d03d02c06044520.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i][color=00aeef]"I am the hand that carries out the Jay's command."[/color][/i][/center] [color=00aeef][b]Username:[/b][/color] Ambra [color=00aeef][b]Name:[/b][/color] Jocelyn Pavonia -- prefers to be called Lyn by people she considers her friends. [color=00aeef][b]Age:[/b][/color] Nineteen [color=00aeef][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=00aeef][b]Race:[/b][/color] Solarian [color=00aeef][b]Origin:[/b][/color] Estiala [color=00aeef][b]Profession:[/b][/color] Member of Estiala's Valkyrie [color=00aeef][b]Weapons:[/b][/color] [url=http://www.cbswords.com/images/KR0025.jpg]Dawnchaser[/url]. A blade with an elongated hilt and crafted out of light steel, Dawnchaser is optimal for combat upon the back of a beast. [color=00aeef][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Jocelyn is a young woman of standard height and figure; standing at 5'6, she bears a frame that matches her vigorous lifestyle. When she is on duty, she is clad in the trademark Lorelian armor that bears the sigil of the Jay. Out of her steel plates, she appears much like the young woman she is. Long, silvery-blonde hair tumbles down and over her shoulders when they are not tied up. Her eyes are a bright, youthful sky blue, and they always seem to be glimmering with curiosity and liveliness. Jocelyn's skin is not as dark as people who hail from the south, but it is slightly darker than other people than Estiala, as she usually spends time closer to the sun. [hider=Mount's (Sirus') Appearance][center][img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/d506/f/2016/167/7/c/apotheosis_ap_by_fancypigeon-da6fibk.png[/img][/center] [i]Sirus is Jocelyn's eyrie mount. He is about average height and length, but acts bigger than he actually is. He may be silly and clumsy on foot, but is extremely graceful in the air.[/i][/hider] [color=00aeef][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Jocelyn may come off as bubbly and sunny to strangers, but deep inside, she is a determined and stubborn individual. There is nothing that could possibly stand in her way of completing a task, no matter how tedious or difficult it may be. She is a stubborn individual, almost to the point of being annoying; this usually gets her into trouble with higher-ups, and is often sent to do difficult missions as punishment. Despite being a stubborn and motivated person, Jocelyn can be quite gullible and naive. If her captains or generals were to tell her a false rumor, she would most certainly believe it. That is why many tell her that her personality and general lack of personal thought is rather dangerous; if one were to want to change her opinion, simply get someone she trusts to convince her. It won't take long. [color=00aeef][b]Short Biography:[/b][/color] Hailing from a small village on the coast of Estiala, Jocelyn always dreamed of visiting Loralis, even from a young age. Her parents, having served their time on the Valkyrie, used to tell her stories of the capitals rocky cliffs and beautiful castles that one could even spot from across the Clouded Sea. It was no surprise that Jocelyn became infatuated with the thought of traveling to Loralis and becoming a soldier of the Valkyrie, much like her parents did when they were young. It was when the conflict with Astrax had reached its peak that Jocelyn left home to protect her country against the infidels. Being only seventeen years old, she was naive as ever, only having the sword at her hip and the mount she was given when she joined the Valkryie's ranks. Sirus, being a young eyrie himself, was almost as upbeat and cheery as she was, even through the harsh trials of training. Unfortunately, she was never able to join the soldiers on the frontlines; Astrax had completely obliterated the armies of Xororis before she could even learn how to properly defend herself. Many of her friends had perished in the battles, and she thought lowly of herself. Many told Jocelyn that, had she joined her allies on the field of battle, she would have been slaughtered like the rest of them. Two very slow years passed since then, and Jocelyn was finally able to become a somewhat proper unit of the Valkyrie. Having gained her trust, her captain ordered for her to travel to the west in order to investigate rumors of rebellion. [/hider]