[i]Here is what our groups ended up being after attendance I'm giving everyone until SUNDAY to talk with your groups either OOC/IC/PMS & Then on Sunday we will time skip to the field trip and do a small science fair recap:[/i] [hr] Group One: Aria Delaney. Oberon Grimbald. Ebony Washington. Clyde Lee. Jacob McKinnon. Group Two: Maeve ó Faoláin. Indiana Ryder. Wynona Belvue. Caleb McKinnon. Amelia Rashfree. Group Three: Conan ó Faoláin. Mitzie Sloane. Cass Rowley. Derek O'Leary. Lilac Rider. Group Four: Sadie Hill. Selene Cross. Blake Rooke. Miles Payton. Tadhg ó Faoláin Group Five: Nathaniel Anderson. Nicoletta Soriano. Quinten Rumancek. Lily Westburg. Poetry Sundance. Ezera Porter [hr] [i]Please let me know if there are any mistakes.[/i]