[@Luna_Maria] While this sort of psychoanalysis is exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see people doing (I did say this was a social experiment, plus I'm a chess player who understands a lot about psychology so it makes sense I'd levitate to this sort of game), and therefore I say good job to it, also encouraging other people to do so even before they make a vote (and would actually expect people to try and do in the role-playing version of this game), it's something that people should do before they actually get eliminated, not after. I won't ask you to remove it all, since this is a thread in the spam forum and just a fun little game anyway, rather than a legit role-play, but try to refrain from "backseat chess playing", per se, from now on if you could. It's technically against the rules for "dead" participants to voice opinions. I'll make an exception because what you've posted gives a very good example of how people should be trying to play this game if they're not familiar with it. Just make sure if you play again, you voice thoughts before your elimination and not afterwards, since, realistically, you wouldn't be able to explain your plan after you've been killed by someone. This is, of course, unless it was a ghost story, which I actually considered as a variant to this role-play idea of mine I have in mind, but it would require that people not see who kills them. It would, however, allow everyone to keep role-playing after death though, so if any of you have thoughts on this feel free to give them to me. I'm essentially considering some paranormal elements to this murder mystery role-play (I have a few other paranormal elements in mind, but I'm not spoiling them).