[b]Rouka Shinami[/b]- Friends? [i]After such time... [/i] [color=0072bc]"Yo Alkaev. I don't know what you are but every time I'm near you, my blood just boils and I have big goals. My rudeness, I apologize for that, the name is Rouka Shinami. I hope for the best of us including you, Princess."[/color] Rouka seemed to have a thing for the blonde hair girl as he winked at her, his blood is for some reason and he doesn't know why it's boiling. He offers a handshake to Mika but it's bittersweet since arrogance and sincerity mixed even though it shouldn't mix. [b]Earlier. [/b] [color=0072bc]"Aiden CROSS!!!!"[/color] Rouka was head over heels for his idolized actor, Aiden Cross. He wanted to get an autograph but for some reason, Mr. Cross doesn't want to. [b]Now. [/b] While interacting with Mika, the dude is just busy spamming at Aiden's phone. Perks of being the number one fan of Mr. Cross, he even stalked his phone number. >[color=00aeef]"HEY! HEY! HEY! MR.CROSS I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN, I'M A GOOD ACTOR TOO AND ACTUALLY CAN I BE YOUR DISCIPLE?! CAN I ?! CAN I?! CAN I?! CAN I?! I promise I'll be a good boy."[/color] [b]Adam Pride[/b] and [b]Ria Tsurara[/b]- LATE ARRIVAL The man of the hour entered the scene. "Hey kids, I don't suppose you'd let an old man have a--" Suddenly he receives a drop kick to the face from the loud mouthed Ice Princess. The atmosphere in the room has gotten colder. [color=00aeef]"Don't go sounding like a pedo-bear Dr. Pride."[/color] She said. As much as possible, he wants Adam to be professional and not just barge in like he own the place. Technically he does but still, he shouldn't be walking around unarmed. [@Grey] and [@Suku] [@RaijinSlayer] Ria gets a look at the students. He noticed Rouka at first glance. [color=00aeef]"I never thought the day would come, you care about your future than act like a hipster wanna be gangster, Rocchan." [/color] Rouka grinned.[color=0054a6] "If it the Aisu Kid. Long tai no TOOK Ria. I is man today. Of coz. I care for my future. Otherwise my sister would have got jail me." [/color] The Ice Princess laughed her heart off. [color=00aeef]"HAHAHAHA! Some things never change, your grammar is still bad. Don't speak in English when you can talk to me in Japanese, Cantonese, Filipino, and Russian but never English k? Of course, Kaede-san, an alumni and Captain of the Explorer Club would be disappointed." [/color] Rouka sighed and smirked. [color=0072bc]"Hmph! Don't ever mention my sister."[/color] They proceed speaking in Japanese. [color=0072bc]"By the way. What you're doin' here?"[/color] Rouka asked. [color=00aeef]"I'm a student!"[/color] Their conversation was cut short when she received a D-Watch Message.[color=00aeef] "Flame B**c*"[/color] She muttered, Ria runs off quickly. [color=00aeef] "Hey Blondie Boy-Girl-Boy? BURLS?! Have you seen where Kotori is?"[/color] From a outward perspective, other people are thinking why would a little girl, a midget who looks like she's from middle school or early high school is inside the University? She's already rudely addressing her older peers. [color=00aeef]"Dr... where'd he go?!"[/color] Pride suddenly disappeared. All of a sudden, she takes a look up close the boy and the girl.[color=00aeef] "Those eyes are beautiful and you look small for a student. Can you guys help me look for Kotori?" [/color]