Ashleigh knew that Paulina meant well. She shook her head and said [color=f6989d]"No, you know as well as I that I need to be there in person. My nerves maybe shot, but I can withstand their emotions so long as I don't touch them. And they don't go bat crap crazy"[/color] Although she wasn't too sure about that, she knew she was better being there. [color=f6989d]"Doing it at a distant might be better for me, but it won't help to figure out what happened. Maybe if I'm close to Aliaster, to Liam, we can figure it out"[/color] She looked up at Paulina and gave a sigh. Shifting, she stood up shakily, but appeared to hold herself up. She didn't sway, thankfully. But she shook. [color=f6989d]"You can't increase the bracelet anymore. As it is, it afects my body's ability to heal itself. It makes me jones, Paulina. Just enough that I contemplating taking a pill or two. I'm weak. You can't make it any stronger. I need it"[/color] She was well aware that that was a type of addiction, but she didn't care. She knew that she was lucky to have her healing ability, that without it, she'd be somewhere in a pit of despire, full of drugs and doing goodness knew what. Ashleigh ran a hand through her hair, weary. [color=f6989d]"I can do this, Paulina. Really. If I even look like freaking, you can drag me out. But I need to do this"[/color] She looked to Paulina, [color=f6989d]"Please, help me. My legs are shaking"[/color] [@Thundercrash]