Szandor was startled by the clear voice of the girl and looked her in the eyes. [@Kelewen] "They certainly tried to kill me. Only the gods know why they haven't succeed. But you don't need to thank me sweetheart, I did it for myself. Wasn't a proper slaver to begin with. Just wanted to sail home." He forced his face to a smile but in his current condition it rather looked like him baring his teeth. Then the young boy in the group ran forward and hugged Szandor hightening the pain for a second. Szandor looked at what the boy was scribbeling on the ground. [@DriveEmOut] "I think my arm is broken boy. But nothing a proper splint and some rum will heal with time I reckon. And I still got a fine working pair of legs. Won't do us much good for getting of this bloody island though. Would need some finns for that." After this quick discourse his throat felt like sandpaper. He looked to the natives still surounding him. "Can I bother any of you fine gentleman for a cup of water?", he asked.