The natives stared at the man as he looked at them, they couldn't understand a word he said. Snake vaguely understood what he said, but he held his spear tightly with distrust, he wasn't sure whether this bloodied man can be trusted. He looked to Gregor and Willow, waiting for their answer as he believed them to be the wiser of the bunch. The elder heard the commotion going on outside his house and stormed out the door. "Did I not make myself clear that all of you are to leave this instant!? But instead you brought another man here, a bloody sailor no less! If he could track you, I'm sure the other slavers aren't too far behind." The elder stared at the man furiously. "Leave now, or I will be forced to present all of you to the slavers in a rope.", said the elder without the guilt he felt before. Then the elder spoke in the natives' tongue, "Ready the men, we're expecting visitors."