[quote=@Hitman5455] [color=39b54a]"Vedika, this is gonna sound weird but your injury isn't physical."[/color] Jason started cautiously. [color=39b54a]"I think whatever Ashleigh accidentally did to us, affected you differently. I think it's caused your subconscious to do this to you."[/color] He finished, praying he didn't sound like a nut. [/quote] Vedika narrowed her eyes a bit. "I said it wasn't Ash!" Vedika defended, more vehemently than she had intended, "It might have been that other boy." [@KiritoAsuna] Vedika didn't realize the contradiction in saying that it might be Alister but not Ashleigh. She had nothing concrete to base her statement on, only a desire to not want Ashleigh to suffer the guilt. Thinking back she remembered feeling something off just moments prior to Alister screaming and the explosion. It had to do with Liam and Paulina, but she wasn't sure what. [@Themerlinhawk] [@Thundercrash] "But you're probably right in that it's not physical," Vedika acquiesced. "What do you suggest?" Because they were in the infirmary and not their dorm rooms, Vedika and Jason wouldn't hear Alister's PA announcement.