Alya returned Zuri's hug and she dropped her barrier. [color=89e9f0]"No problem at all Zuri! Always happy to help."[/color] She replied. After Zuri released her from the hug Alya turned to the group. [color=89e9f0]"If anyone needs me I'll find a room upstairs and get myself fixed up and possibly get a bit of rest. Feel free to call me if there is something that requires my attention."[/color] She said gesturing at her current magi robes which were a bit dirty and worn from her little incursion and skirmish earlier. Alya went up the stairs and took the vacant room furthest down the corridor. She quickly picked out a simple grey blouse and some blue jeans. She held them in her hands and cast a spell. The two pieces of clothing slowly disappeared in a faint light blue light. Alya once again cast another spell and in a quick flash of blue light her robes were replaced. [color=89e9f0][I]'Perfect. My robes should be restored back to their original state next time I call them, and now I have something to wear that won't draw attention.[/I][/color] She thought to herself. [color=89e9f0][I]'But first I should get some rest, a quick nap should be fine.'[/I][/color] Alya got in bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.