[quote=@Fabricant451] When I quit I did it because you were a fucking ass and you still are a fucking ass but other people did the whole 'talk and lend an ear and be a nice person' thing and I realized I could participate in an RP that you were fucking stepping down from anyway. In spite of you, not because of you. [/quote] And all in the space of 18 hours, I dont envy that emotional rollercoaster. I would mention that you started it, but because it [i]didnt even happen on this website [/i]I cant prove it. [quote=@Fabricant451] Yes, I named called you from your profile's title. Because it's mild compared to things I'd like to call you. The difference is that I fully admit to being a bitch who has strong opinions, and people still find me enjoyable anyway because I don't act like a fucking dick. Nor do I go around doing some subtweet ass shit in a topic that didn't call for it. [/quote] So your antagonism is popular because....you say so? Sounds like a narcissist without filter with strong opinions. We arent so different it seems. Besides, while I realise I'm not popular with about 4-5 people in off topic, you realise if I was as dreadfully unpopular as you are trying to insinuate, then Shine City wouldnt be a Mega RP spanning 4 seasons that even you couldnt resist joining and rejoining. I must have been doing something right. [quote=@Fabricant451] I'm drawn to topics where people voice their opinions, negative or positive, because I like talking about shit with people who may or may not have similar interests. It's called conversation, try it sometime. If someone goes around making 'Only post positive opinions here' I'd be there too because it's a way to connect with the people on this website on a level other than 'that person has a cool gif'. [/quote] Well this has been my position from day one, but then I'm not going around calling these threads 'shit on popular stuff topics' WHILE actively engaging with every single one of them. If you like these threads as much as you are explaining here then what the hell is there to complain about? [quote=@Fabricant451] Are you going to keep being an ass for no reason and tanking your own topic or can you be a decent person for once and let the past be the past and move the fuck on? [/quote] Well that starts with you, I didnt mention you in this topic at all, I was simply talking about Ace Attorney and sonic, and you had to passively agressively quote (but untag) two lines from what I said to make a snarky comment and just laugh like an idiot. I had no problem with you posting here until you [i]passive agressively[/i] had to start making fun of what I said. If you cant get it, then dont give it.