[quote=@The Grey Dust] [hider=My Proposed God :)] [b]Name:[/b] X (pronounced “ecks”) The Voice of the Silent, The Lord of Whispers. [b]True Name:[/b] Apocrypha Player Name: The Grey Dust [b]Domains (Portfolios):[/b] Knowledge ( Secrets ), Fate ( Mystery ) [b]Alignment:[/b] LN [b]Symbols:[/b] A circle with an X, representing something not only disallowed once, but twice over as something truly forbidden. It is also a reference to his namesake. [hider= Symbol of Secrets] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/e181/f/2012/094/6/d/marble_hornets_symbol_by_shadowthehedgehog950-d4v20vm.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=To Mortals and Gods:] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/036/a/9/wizard_by_van_der_dot-d4osajb.jpg[/img] [/hider] Appearing to both Mortals and Gods in the same form, X does not differ his appearance to either party. There is nothing to hide from Mortals in his appearance, as it reveals scarcely anything. It is easy to discern X is a God by the otherworldly manifestation, and yet knowing X is a God is meaningless in itself for no one but X knows anything more. A flowing robe conceals his physical manifestation, dissolving the God to little more than a pair of long slender hands emerging from the sleeves and a partial face beyond the veil of eternal mystery. There is no face beyond the lower half of his visage, and in truth nothing beneath the robes. [b]Personality:[/b] A mystic god who challenges the very idea of Omniscience. While it is possible to consider that X is a "fallen" god of knowledge, that is rather than sharing knowledge is the forces which obscures them, there are things which even the Gods themselves cannot answer perhaps of their own creation or the world before anything. It is the spirit of mystery and obscurity itself which awakened to manifest as X in moments after the Flash, for it existed long before the moment and the question was asked. Being the essence of such, X is cryptic and indirect, and yet welcoming to those who seek him. A paradoxical combination which makes it difficult to understand X's motives and agenda, as befits a god of secrets. While it can be assumed since he is the progenitor of obscurities, would it be safe to say he is Omniscience incarnate, choosing to selectively censor and edit information as needed? In truth even X does not know and seeks to know, for the duality of his role is to also encourage others to seek the hidden truth even as he may conceal it. Which explains the nature of his paradox. X is both a blessing and a curse, a curse for those who would fight against him to reveal who is plotting against them, but also a blessing to those who would seek to conceal a secret plot. Yet X is often receptive to bargains, for one block lifts the other, and perhaps a secret that is shared will create another in return. Thus the web of secrecy grows, and his Portfolio shall continue to expand. Much to his appeasement. [b]Dogma:[/b] If there was a Dogma for X, only X knows it and he has yet to share it. Some interpret his mantra to be to guard secrets, and protect the sanctity of the arcane. Others suggest the opposite, that is, to seek out truths and uncover secrets to revel in knowing the esoteric. As such the teachings of X are to be taken in either fashion, depending on the school of thought, as perhaps in truth X may encourage the constant struggle between two opposing ideas as a means to stabilize the flow of secrets and knowledge. [/hider] [/quote] [b]Approved[/b], such a beautiful creature. [quote=@FoxFire] Here is my divine being. [hider=Xeaniax] [b]Name:[/b] Xeaniax [b]Player Name:[/b] FoxFire [b]Domains:[/b] Transformation/change [Metallurgy, Alchemy], Justice/Order [Judicial systems, bureaucracy] [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral. [b]Symbol(s):[/b] Concentric rings of cogs around an eye, a member of the worshipping species with a crown of eyes, a member of the worshipping species with seven eyes, several pairs of arms and wings, a tridimensional clock or compass, green-turquoise light, octagons and circles intertwined. [b]Appearance:[/b] No defined form, a mass of consciousness that most of the time takes the shape of a creamy-white colloid of which each part is carrying the information of the whole, even when it is infinitely divisible in smaller units. Each unit that is formed still shares the consciousness of the whole even when separated and can take almost any form. Xeaniax takes the shape of the species that worships it to communicate in the rare occasions it does directly. It can take their silhouette, or body shape and form it in white liquid, this is is how most of the visions manifest. In extremely rare circumstances it would take the shape of an andogynous individual [if the species has genders]. [b]Personality:[/b] Xeaniax is a deity that values goodwill, effort and pureness of heart even though it rarely decides to act beyond using proxies to favour those whose cultivate this characteristics. In second place for it, would be those characteristics relating to knowledge, such as intelligence, creativity, capacity for innovation and abstract thought. It makes plans and thinks through the ages without worrying too much about time, it is a pacient, merciful deity. In more "human" shape it comes across as an extremely polite individual, with great and wide knowledge and respect for others even when it isn't given back. Soft-spoken, with a slender body build and soft features also describes a personification of this deity. [b]Dogma:[/b] Xeaniax seeks progress for all of the races that inhabit the world except those that create chaos without reason. Even though it is a deity of justice, Xeaniax isn't above manipulating circumstances in a very long-term chess board which is made with the world and every living creature on it. Due to its perception of time, these intrusions in the very order it upholds are very distant to each other. [/hider] [/quote] Not a bad character, but needs to have it's domains selected. Maybe Earth (Metal), Order (Law)? [quote=@Captain Obvious] My character sheets are never that good, but my RPing is much better, I promise! [CENTER][HIDER][HIDER][IMG]http://img12.deviantart.net/5e8b/i/2015/171/2/6/madara_by_zetsuai89-d8y3dzq.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] Kriska ; Beast of Chaos Player Name: Captain Obvious Domains (Portfolios): Chaos [Risk], Physical prowess [speed] Alignment: Fuck You (Ie, Chaotic Neutral) Symbol(s): Dice Appearance: He [i]really [/i] likes shapeshifting. His favorite form is a Satyr, he goes from male to female and back again. His natural form however is that of a male deertaur due to some...strange circumstances. A long story, a reeeaaally long story. Forms usually keep some sort of dark hair, either red or grey eyes. Personality: Impulsive, loud and exuberant, Kriska makes decisions completely on instinct. His motto is "Act first, think later." He's stubborn to a fault, and maybe a bit dramatic. His fiery temper gets in the way sometimes, driving him into an instinctual rage. His impulses will cause him to get into situations that would easily get a mortal killed. His self preservation instinct is less than amazing, though is surprising that the other Deities haven't killed him by their own hands. Deities belonging to nature, or ones that are polite to him can guide him to an extent. Not entirely, but can tame his chaos to not get anyone immediately stabbed due to his influence for at least five minutes. He can make things out to be much worse than it is at times, and his emotions flow like rivers through winding valleys. That may come to rapids...But that's besides the point! He's good at what he does, and that's what matters. Dogma: Power no matter the risk. Chaos is a way of life, our way of life.[/HIDER][/CENTER] [/quote] I'll take a chance with this character... but I've got to state that he seems to have too much of a already existing history. That can be looked over if you present the story within his early posts. Also I think his seconded domain I think should be Body (Speed) or something else like that. [quote=@Marquise] [hider=Jhera] [center] [h1]Jhera[/h1] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/fe07931c-22a3-491f-8c33-98293645dcde.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Jhera, the Scarlet Sun [b]Player Name:[/b] Marquise [b]Domains (Portfolios):[/b] Fire (Sun), Industry(Manufacturing) [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Good [b]Symbol(s):[/b] A sunburst, either gold or red, is the most common icon used in the veneration of Jhera. [b]Appearance:[/b] Jhera almost invariably prefers a female form on manifestation, whether to fellow gods or to the mortals who shelter in her benefices. A favourite shape is that of a young woman on the very cusp of adulthood, with pale skin and a tumbling shock of crimson hair that, to the perceptive, seems to dance and flicker like flames at the very edge of sight. She has long, deft fingers capped with sharp brass nails, and her adornments change to suit her environment; in the court of an emperor she might be robed in cloth-of-gold and dripping with flawless rubies, whereas in a forge, protective leathers and sturdy boots would be the order of the day. A second form she favours is that of a woman whose skin and hair are a rich black and whose liquid eyes dance with more than just the fires of mischief. Her clothes are always nondescript in this shape, however, and she is not divinely beautiful, either; the most complimentary adjective might be ‘striking’, instead. It is most often through this guise that she experiences mortal life as one of the faithful, rather than the very object of that faith. When there is the need for spectacle, however, she assumes the mantle of a many-winged woman whose very being coruscates with solar fire, who trails incandescent plasma like an empress’ train with every movement. She burns like an earth-bound star and moves with preternatural grace; all eyes cannot fail to be drawn to the distant and terrible Scarlet Sun, and when she speaks it is the brassy clarion of trumpets, all underscored by the hungry roar of insatiable furnace-flames. [b]Personality:[/b] Jhera is bright, in every sense of the word. Life, glorious, wonderful, brief and endlessly perplexing mortal life is a delight to watch, and still more sublime a pleasure to influence, to direct and to drive headlong forwards into a bright new dawn. She is energetic, ebullient, near-manic at times, the engine of progress and the fire of industry, kept from chaos and continual meddling only by her principles. What she loves, she loves fiercely and well, and what she hates tends to be consumed in solar fire. She values effort, perseverance, power and passion, and will often seek to inspire such things in those under her care who have a lack thereof, such that the apathetic king might spring from his stupor and take his ailing kingdom in hand, or that the peasant who dreams fervently of forges and foundries and breaking the earth to harness might wake with the wherewithal to bring about such industry and raise her people from the mud. [b]Dogma:[/b] “As much as it is My duty to guide and shape you, it falls to you to make the best of the gifts I bestow; raise up mighty works out of skill and faith and pull your people from ignorance and want to bask in the new dawn. Leave your world better than it was when you entered it, and know forever after the warmth of Me.” [/hider] Well, this all sounds jolly interesting :) . [/quote] I like her, [b]Approved! [/b]