[@Fabricant451] Look you laughed at my Ace Attorney post unprovoked, I was just trying to be sincere with a game I really like, I had no way of knowing the context of you laughing at it, you should have said it was in response to the ace attorney arguement, which by the way I didnt even see as an argument, I thought I was having a lot of fun. But quoting me tagged or untagged out of nowehre just seems obnoxious, you didnt have anything to say, you were just laughing. I'm not trying to avoid anyone, I've got no issue you or anyone else being in this thread, I wouldnt make topics if I had a problem interacting with people. See this is the main problem, before that incedent, all of our debates were somewhat light-hearted, and I had a lot of respect for your ability to discuss/deconstruct something withough getting emotionally involved. But then you get triggered out of nowhere and start swearing at me, damn right I'm gonna give it right back, props for not backing down, but be sure as shit that I wasn't going to either. Also because your beef with me seemed to be coming from somewhere vaugely political/race related it makes you seem like floyd mayweather: good at fighting, but only when you get to pick your opponents carefully. Off topic is absolutely flooded with anti-woman, anti-gay, right wing, pro-trump, milo yiannpolous, and yes anti-black sentiment and rants, but Ive never seen you go at any of them, which you could, because you are good at that. But you attack me for making an off hand BLM joke. Which draws me to the conclusion you only flung shit my way because I was already somewhat unpopular in off topic so I'd be an easy target. Well I hope you realise I'm not that easy now.