[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@Fabricant451] Look you laughed at my Ace Attorney post unprovoked, I was just trying to be sincere with a game I really like, I had no way of knowing the context of you laughing at it, you should have said it was in response to the ace attorney arguement, which by the way I didnt even see as an argument, I thought I was having a lot of fun. But quoting me tagged or untagged out of nowehre just seems obnoxious, you didnt have anything to say, you were just laughing.[/quote] I wasn't laughing at you or your sincerity. I was laughing at what I assumed was a passing reference to something that happened like two months ago. It wasn't, that's on me, and I apologize if it came off badly to you. It wasn't my intention. I didn't tag or quote you because I didn't think it was necessary, it wasn't some sort of passive aggressive dig. If you took it that way, well I'm sorry - but it really wasn't my intention at all. [quote]See this is the main problem, before that incedent, all of our debates were somewhat light-hearted, and I had a lot of respect for your ability to discuss/deconstruct something withough getting emotionally involved. But then you get triggered out of nowhere and start swearing at me, damn right I'm gonna give it right back, props for not backing down, but be sure as shit that I wasn't going to either.[/quote] I don't get triggered, that's some shit for people that can't handle criticism or challenging topics. I swear often. Sometimes for effect. Sometimes because it makes me feel alive. Most times because it feels good to type. In this case I was kind of angry at your comments which seemed entirely needless, but with context about the Phoenix Wright/not quoting thing makes a bit more sense. Not a whole lot, but more than it did. When I do debate I try to make it light hearted because at the end of the day debates about anime and memes and shit are dumb and I'm dumb for getting passionate about dumb things. I felt challenged here, called out, and responded in kind. Because it seemed far more personal than other debates, and I don't half ass when shit gets personal. [quote]Also because your beef with me seemed to be coming from somewhere vaugely political/race related it makes you seem like floyd mayweather: good at fighting, but only when you get to pick your opponents carefully.[/quote] I mean, sure the anger quit was because of the race thing but in this instance it wasn't about that. My beef with you isn't specifically about politics/race, those are just sprinkles on top of the cupcake. [quote]Off topic is absolutely flooded with anti-woman, anti-gay, right wing, pro-trump, milo yiannpolous, and yes anti-black sentiment and rants, but Ive never seen you go at any of them, which you could, because you are good at that. But you attack me for making an off hand BLM joke. Which draws me to the conclusion you only flung shit my way because I was already somewhat unpopular in off topic so I'd be an easy target. Well I hope you realise I'm not that easy now. [/quote] Most of the time when I see those kind of posts it's by people like fuckin Weird Tales and we all know there's kinda no point in even talking to that guy. I believe people are entitled to their opinion and I don't have a need to 'go at' someone if they are pro-Trump or anti-whatever. Partly because I'm not a political person, partly because like half the time the arguments for those people consist of regurgitation from some video by someone who only got relevant because they hate feminists and feed into that. You know, your Milos and Sargons and the other people who hide behind avatars. If someone came around and was like "I really hate fags" in the unpopular opinions thread, yeah I'd step up. I think Milo and his fans are idiots - Milo being nothing more than a smug opportunistic fuck - but I'm not going to go off on someone if they're a fan of his. And yeah, I know this sounds like me backing down or justifying inaction but honestly I just don't see the point in debating people who have no intentions of doing anything other than plugging their ears. Which most of the time is everyone on here who is like "Man SJWs are the literal worst fuck me daddy Trump MAGA". If someone is anti-gay that's their right, but if they start spouting off nonsense and being a cunt about it, yeah I'll say something. Same for right-wing sorts and the like. It's the anti-women ones that I try and make a point of saying something about (with exception - listed above) because nine times out of ten it's one of those bullshit MRA/anti-feminist/anti-SJW types who still think women are out to ruin their vidya games and movies. If I see something blatantly stupid, though, I try and point it out and be a snarky bitch about it because it's funny to me. As for attacking you, try and see it from my perspective here. We just had a heated topic about fuckin Phoenix Wright of all things - which clearly I took a bit more seriously than you and that's on me - and I leave to go cool down and get some water and I come back and I just see you ask "Where'd that BLM supporter go" and while it probably was a joke, having just left upset and coming back to that...well it didn't seem like a joke to me. So I went off, played the race card, and wanted an explanation - even something as simple as "Hey chill girl it was joke" but it didn't go that way, I just got more and more heated and while it wasn't my proudest moment, I can at least look back on it and see that the whole fuckin' thing was dumb. It had nothing to do with me thinking you're an easy target and everything to do with me taking anime lawyer games too seriously. Cool? Cool.