So I might have gotten a bit excited once I got into the background part. It's still WIP but I'm just making sure she's fine before putting too much more into it [hider=☠ Kiki ☠] [center] [h1][color=pink]Rebekka (Kiki) Ida Williams[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Kiki circa beginning of plague] [img][/img] [/hider] [h3][color=pink][center]Physical Description[/center][/color][/h3] Normally, Kiki looks like an angry ball of cotton candy. Her teased, curled up locks of hair stand out from her head and rest on her shoulders. Her dark makeup and plushy pink lips round out the look. Her skin is fair and she has no visible tattoos when wearing regularly fitting clothes. She is short, only about 5’2” but her thick boots boost her an inch. She’s thin, but not bony, weighing about 115lbs. Perhaps the reason that she dresses up her body so much is the fact that she is uncomfortable with it. Her torso is unproportionally long and adversely that makes her legs a bit shorter, adding to the effect that she is stubby. She’s learned to not care and just wear cute skirts instead. After the fungus spread, however, [h3][color=pink][center]Age 19 July 1995 - Age 20[/center][/color][/h3] [h3][color=pink][center]Occupation Field Scientist[/center][/color][/h3] [h3][color=pink][center]Background[/center][/color][/h3] Kiki is somewhat of a strange girl. She is an unnaturally smart person, hailing from the land of Sweden. After graduating high school at the age of 16 she attended university for four years, double majoring in biology and ecology/evolution/conservation (she was surprised that those three were considered one major, as well). During this time she was recruited as a field scientist and spent her last three summers in Africa a to work on an evolution project. Her sector mostly handled Zimbabwe and Botswana. At first, Kiki figured the Americans were freaking out over another tiny germ and didn’t put much thought into it, continuing with her studies in Africa. It wasn’t until the strange fungus was well-known that she had looked into it independently. She followed all of the scientific journals and studies about the strange bug and looked into their peculiarity. She was between projects and was left at her house to mull over the science behind it. It seemed to eat away at the organs and the fungus’ excrement wash dusty, like ashes. It was bizarre, like nothing she had heard of before. What strand of fungus did it evolve from? Was it man-made? The saddest part of it was the fact that the scientists would usually just begin to grasp the idea before disappearing. Either into some bunker or dying off, what she guessed was the latter. It took some time but finally the researchers found out that there was an age of immune subjects. Not everyone, but adolescents seemed to be the most likely to survive. Perhaps children were not strong enough and adults’ immune systems didn’t have the ability to make antibodies quickly enough? It was no more than four hours after this time frame was discovered that she got a call from a blocked number. It was the WHO, offering to fly her to the US and their team on the west coast to be part of their team. They had gathered budding scientists between the ages of seventeen and twenty-three, as they had the highest chances of survival. She was one of the highest-esteemed with the most background, even though she was at the upper end of the scale. They seemed desperate. But, Kiki would never make it there. After her connecting flight from the JFK airport was canceled because lack of pilots, a bus driver was paid to ship the small crew in the most panic-inducing road trip known to man. It didn’t take long before their bus was looted, stolen, and a few members seriously injured. The young bus driver, only seventeen himself, couldn’t have done anything to prevent the stronger group of people in masks from ransacking them. With crushed hopes, they decided to press on alone. They got directions from strangers and hiked in the hot grasslands, somewhere past the appalachian mountains. So long as they were going west, they were satisfied. They got lifts by trading homemade medicines, medical aid, and trading their acidic solutions for reasons they weren’t going to ask about. After a fallout or two between the group, separation and even straight up kidnapping, Kiki ended up traveling alone. She had no clue where the others were or if they were headed the right way. Hell, she didn’t know if they were still wanting to help in the project, as it seemed to have already devastated the world. Was the research lab even open still? Had they given up? It had been months since she had landed in the US, they had probably pronounced her as missing or dead and moved on. Being the determined type, Kiki pressed on. Even if the lab was closed, she had a key card and passcode. She would work on it herself if she had to. Perhaps the thing that kept her going was her family back home. She looked down at a ragged photo. It had been folded and unfolded many times, white lines across its middle. Her mother, father, little sister, even that little brat of a brother looked back. The younger version of herself held a steeley glare, as if to say “Is that all you’ve got?” The trip had tested her willpower, that was for sure. If it wasn’t her safety, it was the hunger. If it wasn’t the hunger, it was the feeling of helplessness. She even considered stopping, setting up her own safehold. Her skills at making drugs alone would be enough to keep her afloat. People will always want to get high, especially if everyone they love is gone. She heard gravely wheels on the road. She didn’t usually walk in earshot of the highways, as raiders usually patrolled them but this didn’t sound like an SUV full of little shits. It was a bike, like not even a motorcycle. She could take on one person on a bike, so the risk was worth it. She jogged to the road, waving her arms around and the cyclist stopped, looking her over. “Look, I’ve got nothing,” he said simply, holding up his hands, “I’m just trying to get home,” “Where’s home?” she skipped the formalities, putting her hands on her hips. “Uh, Oregon. Buren county. You from around there?” he asked innocently. “No. Is it close to California?” he gave her a strange look. “Uh, relatively. California is pretty big though. You don’t know how close to California that Oregon is? Where are you from? I’d love to help but my mom is at home and she just sent me after some stuff. I’m just headed home. I’m not g-” “Is it closer to California than we are now?” she said impatiently, looking around suspiciously. “Well yeah, a lot closer. We’ll be in Buren in about two hours if we keep going South and then-” “South?” she said to herself, exasperated, “Where are we?” He looked a bit shocked, “Who are you?” She crossed her arms and gave him an intense glare, “Possibly the last person on this Earth that can save your mom, or the last one that gives a shit.” She got a ride to Oregon. [h3][color=pink][center]Skills and Talents[/center][/color][/h3] [h3][color=pink][center]Weaknesses and Faults[/center][/color][/h3] We all have them, some not as bad as others though. [h3][color=pink][center]Personality[/center][/color][/h3] Kiki doesn’t give a f😸ck. Despite what people might think by her appearance, Kiki is an intelligent and successful human being. She graduated high school early and has earned marks toward being a scientist. She’s even a greenie, eating organic, recycling and is a fan of Green ideas. Green is the new pink. Pink is the new black. Besides studying, she enjoys quite a bit of music and art, which is how she came across her style. She could never choose if she wanted to be frilly and girly or black and moody so she chose both! She can both scoff with disgust and giggle like a schoolgirl without feeling out of character. [/hider]