Seeing as the medical field is somewhat overcrowded already I've went a different route and quite like it. Will finish the personality part tomorrow and tart it up, but any suggestions you guys have will be appreciated! [hider=My Hider] [center] [img][/img] [h3][color=00dddf]L[/color][color=0ddeef]i[/color][color=0ddddf]l[/color][color=00aeef]y[/color] [color=01fddd]Bea[/color][color=02eddf]uch[/color][color=03dfff]amp[/color][/h3] [/center] [b]Physical description[/b] Lily stands relatively tall for her sex at five feet ten, her frame is best described as willowy and it’s best not to point out the lack of curves. Seriously, that’s just mean. Meticulously clean, Lily is always immaculately kept together. Her white-blonde hair is kept in a professional bun at most times, so much so that there was a rumour for while that it keeps itself together by sheer muscle memory. A practical dresser Lily prefers simple and practical clothing for the most part with her go to being a cheque shirt and pair of jeans, accompanied by a sturdy pair of boots that could probably survive an encounter with a bear trap. Having being picked on for her older brothers when she was little for looking like a strong wind would blow her over her posture is always upright and solid to maximise her authority. [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Occupation:[/b] Police Officer [b]Background[/b] Baptiste Valley had always been home to Lily. The youngest child and only girl of five, she had been raised on a large farmhouse by a perpetually overworked mother and doting if absent-minded father. Her legion of brothers where of course simultaneously tormenting, smelly and rough boys and also fiercely protective of their little sister. Therefore no-one had ever dares to bother her at school and was rather popular and was involved in a lot of sport, from track to hockey which was a perfect outlet for her vicious competiveness. An excellent and diligent student, Lily moved to Michigan State University to study Forensic Science before graduating just a few marks away from Suma Cum Laude (to her perpetual anguish.) From College she enrolled in Police Academy dreaming to become a detective. Yet once she graduated the Ashening happened. It wasn’t seen as serious at first so a newly trained Cop was seen as disposable and she gained a leave of absence to visit her father who had been diagnosed with the disease. Then her mother. Then each one of her brothers. Each one Lily nursed through the foul plague that had inflicted her family, each one weakened and wasted away by the evil thing. Each one dying beside her. Lily had always dreamed as a child to have their big farmhouse all to herself. Now the emptiness of it sickens her to the core. [b]Skills and Talents[/b] Silver tongued: Words have always came easy to Lily and she has always been fascinated by those frozen moments in time where the right one can save the day and the wrong can ensure catastrophe. She is therefore careful always to put people at their ease, changing her approach to people to make them comfortable. Budding Mad Scientist: Well, not really. However with a degree in Forensic Science it gave Lily a good understanding of analytical chemistry. While the incredibly advances equipment she used in College is a distant memory, she had managed to salvage some basic equipment from various sources to be able to do some experiments. Handy with a Gun: Her training in the Police Academy has given Lily a proficiency with firearms and basic self-defence. While not an expert marksman by any means she can at least be confident she could hit a moving target. Perfectionist: Do you know that really annoying person in school that had always studied for every test, had ridiculously perfect notes that would make Da Vinci weep and actually used highlighters and post-its? Yeah, Lily was that person. With a good memory and meticulous attention to detail she always ensures she does the best she could and is prepared for whatever comes. [b]Weaknesses and Faults[/b] Perfectionist: It’s something of a double edged sword. While being ridiculously prepared and ready is great when an expected situation calls for it she is not what you would call easy-going or spontaneous. Sudden changes in plans at best annoy her and at worst throw her into a flurry of panic. Hey … is this plant poisonous? : Despite her background in Forensics, Lily couldn’t answer that. Its chemical structure revealed to her she could tell you but in the wild it’s just so much leaves. She has little knowledge in bush craft and prior to the Ashening her last camping trip had her bathing in lotion when she had her lunch on top of some Poison Ivy. Overbearing: Confidence and assertiveness are all well and good but it can get on peoples nerves. Lily can be guilty of trying to tell people what to do when it’s clear they have other ideas and can never really see why people just don’t listen to her advice all the times? *Sigh* the world would be so much simpler. [b]Personality[/b] What's your character like? [/hider]