[quote=@Fubsy] [hider=The Shepherd of Souls] [center] [h2]Muorival[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FG7gaJn.jpg[/img] [b]Player Name:[/b] Fubsy [b]Domains (Portfolios):[/b] Death [Souls], Guidance [Shepherds and Lost Travelers] [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Symbol(s):[/b] A torch/lamp, marigolds, owls, shepherd's crook; the crest of Muorival is of a torch being carried in the talons of an owl. [b]Appearance:[/b] Though Muorival's form on the mortal plane varies, there are three shapes she mainly uses: a peasant child in an owl mask, a great owl roughly the size of a bear, and an elderly, blind woman in a cloak with a lamp. Her true form is that of a tall, bald, ebony woman with multiple arms draped in mist-like robes. Large, dark wings sprout from her back and her eyes carry a light nearly as brilliant as the one from the torch in her hands. [b]Personality:[/b] Muorival is, in more ways than one, the epitome of death. She is peaceful, gentle, quiet. Her words are soft and comforting like a mother's womb, yet the throb with a truth that terrifies even the bravest of warriors. Her actions are born from neither malice nor benevolence, but from pure necessity. Like death, she is unrelenting. Her patience extends for years, centuries even, as she observes with curious fascination the ongoings of mortals and their strange desire to make the most of their fleeting lives. [b]Dogma:[/b] Souls are fragile essences. As such, it is the duty of Muorival to guide them on their journey to the afterlife. Death is needed for life to continue, and life is needed for death to continue. Accept the inevitability death, not as an act of taking, but of deliverance of a needed rest. Desecrate not those that have fallen. Eradicate those who thrive to destroy the sanctity of death. False immortals claiming empty lives and manipulators of agonized sprits at the expense of the innocent are warts on the smooth cycle of life and death. They are to be destroyed. [/center] [/hider] [/quote] Sorry I overlooked this, [b]Approved[/b], but the seconded domain needs to be something a little less wordy. Like Community (Travelers) or Community (Guidance). I was making a life/death god and almost submitted it before I saw your character... whatever. ;) I'll make a undead abomination instead. I'll quickly put my character down here: [b]Name:[/b] Yithgul, Bringer of Life, Father of the Dammed [b]Player Name:[/b] AlexanderML [b]Domains (Portfolios):[/b] Life (Birth), Death (Undeath) [b]Alignment:[/b] CN [b]Symbol(s):[/b] A rotten flower or skull. Black and green are his favored colors. [b]Appearance:[/b] Yithgul is a creature that looks like a giant serpent, grey growing and rotting flesh coving it's body. It's breath heals any wounds, and it's eyes of bright golden light are always full of pity and sorrow for those that have to die. Appendages spring forth from the serpent's body at will, from arms to tentacles, and are removed only when they grow so large as to rip off from Yithgul's body and decay into nutrient filled dirt. [b]Personality:[/b] Loving, he is filled with so much love that words cannot describe it. Everyone, even those that have killed, he feels can be redeemed and brought to understand the goodness in Life over Death. He only fights to protect life, and never strike's the final blow, preferring to talk to or otherwise deal with someone. He's not above manipulation or anything short of killing, he'd just rather not do anything cruel if the need is not there. Talkative, he loves to chat or work with anyone that does not mind his constantly growing and rotting body. Yithgul is particularly fond of stories or games, his joy at finding someone to play with being similar to that of a child at times. When he is not enjoying a story or game he is almost as stern as a parent with mortals. Gods are a wonderful example of what he wishes to bring forth to all life, eternal beings that never die. If he could, Yithgul would make everyone a god, or at least as immortal as one. [b]Dogma:[/b] All life is born, all life dies, it is a fact of that's brought before all those born. Yithgul mourns this fact and does whatever he can to keep everything alive, be it in a undead state or natural living form. Every death of something sentient is a tragedy, one that cannot be ignored, and to let something die (or worse yet, kill something) is a great sin to Yithgul. All things should strive to live no matter what, and those things that do die should be brought back. New life is a precious thing, and is to be created and cared for whenever possible. One day says Yithgul, in the long distant future, he shall bring about the end to Death so that only Life exists forevermore.