I would like to know how are we going to assign the hierarchy you described to the gods. [hider=Xeaniax v2.0] [b]Name:[/b] Xeaniax [b]Player Name:[/b] FoxFire [b]Domains:[/b] Earth (Metal), Order (Law) [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful Neutral. [b]Symbol(s):[/b] Concentric rings of cogs around an eye, a member of the worshipping species with a crown of eyes, a member of the worshipping species with seven eyes, several pairs of arms and wings, a tridimensional clock or compass, green-turquoise light, octagons and circles intertwined. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img]http://www.metalsucks.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/8e865e7d-e0f1-4471-83bc-279536c32725-800x515.jpg[/img] [/hider] No defined form, a mass of consciousness that most of the time takes the shape of a creamy-white colloid of which each part is carrying the information of the whole, even when it is infinitely divisible in smaller units. Each unit that is formed still shares the consciousness of the whole even when separated and can take almost any form. This is a reflection of one of the domains parallel to its own, numbers and mathematics as an extension of order. Xeaniax takes the shape of the species that worships it to communicate in the rare occasions it does directly. It can take their silhouette, or body shape and form it in white liquid, this is how most of the visions manifest. In extremely rare circumstances it would take the shape of an androgynous individual (if the species has genders). In more "human" shape it comes across as an extremely polite individual, with great and wide knowledge and respect for others even when it isn't given back. Soft-spoken, with a slender body build and soft features also describes a personification of this deity. [b]Personality:[/b] Xeaniax is a deity that values goodwill, effort and pureness of heart even though it rarely decides to act beyond using proxies to favour those whose cultivate this characteristics. In second place for it, would be those characteristics relating to knowledge, such as intelligence, creativity, capacity for innovation and abstract thought. It makes plans and thinks through the ages without worrying too much about time as it doesn’t mean much to it in most circumstances. It is a patient, merciful deity. [b]Dogma:[/b] Xeaniax seeks progress for all of the races that inhabit the world except those that create chaos without reason. Even though it is a deity of justice, Xeaniax isn't above manipulating circumstances in a very long-term chess board which is made with the world and every living creature on it. Due to its perception of time, these intrusions in the very order it upholds are very distant to each other. [/hider]