[center][h1] [color=f6989d]Angela Sinclair[/color] [/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/dfgcxihwt/Paige2.jpg[/img][/center] Angela was in the back stock room. They had just received the delivery truck so she was counting the new inventory.[color=f6989d] "Thanks Mack."[/color] She said as the driver tipped his hat to her and smiled. She watched as he hopped back into the truck and pulled out. There was nothing unusual about this day up until now. She was standing in the doorway of the stockroom and looking at paperwork from the delivery when she heard things falling and glass shattering. It was so loud she jumped and the stock boy in the front of the store yelled [color=f7941d]"Angela! Are you okay?"[/color] Angela walked back into the room and walked slowly past each aisle looking for what had broken. One can imagine the surprise on her face when she found everything on aisle 14 of the storage room on the floor as if it had been thrown down and everything made of glass had broken. The stock boy Jarod came into the room behind her. [color=f7941d]"Holy shit! How does something like that happen?"[/color] Angela looked a little perplexed, [color=f6989d]"The hell if I know."[/color] She finished her search and went back.[color=f6989d] "Jarod, go call Jax and ask him to come over here. I want to get his opinion on this. It's kind of creepy. All of the bolts are still bolted tight. There is only the one entrance and I was standing in it. These shelves go to the wall and there is nowhere to hide. Mack and I unloaded this stuff together and it was all at least 4 inches from the edge. Since there was no earthquake...I'm baffled. And for God's sake don't tell any of the customers, just close the store for now. Check the ones in the store but that's it til Jax and I decide what the hell this was."[/color] She pulled her hair back out of habit and frustration. [@The Dow Dragon][@MissCapnCrunch]