The agent allowed the veteran to view the documents a little more. Though only a partial, Blake was confident in her finding. There were only so many logos out there that resembled the human extremist group. In fact, there weren't many. Information on Cerberus was nil to none. She had to dig into the darkest of places to get what info she'd acquired so far. It wouldn't surprise her if the organization kept their identity as dark as possible. Yet why make such bold, unsubtle acts now? Blake didn't like this one bit. Following the Commander until she lifted an ashtray, Shepard didn't need to show her for Blake to realize that Shepard's office was a luxurious prison. It was funny. Bugging places was something she did on all suspected targets given to her. Never in her life would she ever expect [i]the[/i] Commander to fall victim to such means. Blake nodded. "In most circumstances, I would assume this would take time," she said. Blake frowned. "Unfortunately, time is something I can ill afford at the moment. If this request can be granted now, that would be for the best."