[@Aintitfun1997] Yes, but remember to add a little more detail to how she keeps her power under control. Actually that last part after the but may not be needed. Do you want her as a new camper(potentially working with the Children's League at this point) or do you want her to have come in at the same time as the rest of our characters. If she came in at the same time as the rest of the characters then you'd need to add the detail of how she struggled to keep her powers under control. Oranges with each occurrence of their power being used it made it harder and harder not to use it. It's basically like a HIGHLY addictive drug to them. If you've seen Heroes think to when Matt Lieberman stops using his telepathy. He starts to go crazy the longer he goes without using it. I think I'll stop bombarding you with words and let you respond before I say more. [@PatrickDrummer][@MechonRaptor][@JackalopeLove][@BassDropp] I guess that is sorta my fault. I neglected one of my main rules of communication. I was planning on waiting as well since Alex isn't the type of character to make the first move. Also, side note. With these NPC's that I made, the cabin mates, you can pretty much do whatever you want with them. As of right now they won't be important to the story at all. You can also make random NPC's for your characters to notice running around. Feel free to make an NPC just to kill them as soon as you make them if you want. A lot of deaths are gonna happen in this escape. On both sides. Four NPC's sorta things that should be avoided are Aiden Anderson, Erica Armstrong(I'll leave her to you Patrick. I won't even use her for anything if you don't want me to.), there is gonna be a figure as the leader of the escaping kids(He mostly won't be seen until kids are away from the camp), and I'm probably gonna put Katie's NPC sister into the Children's League group that sneaked into the camp(disregard if I don't even do it). Oh, I almost forgot. Jackalope, if you want Geneva's sister to be among the PSF's at the camp I'll leave that up to you. If you want her there the same rules will apply to her as with Patrick and using Erica as an NPC. Bass, this will probably be a good ways down the line thing, and if you can't remember I'll just continue to try and find the info, but do you remember how Ruby and them found the info on where the Slip Kid and East River were? That run-on sentence burns my eyes. I just can't think of a better way to phrase it right now. I hate headaches. They make me loopy.