[center]I am seeking a literate LONG TERM role play. Quick details about me: I'm in my early 20s (I'd prefer if you were somewhat around my age), female. Love canon characters, love OCs. I prefer playing male characters, but I am more than willing to double. I can write well written paragraphs but I tend to match what I am working with. I enjoy family feels, bromance, platonic relationships, angst, action, adventure, drama...etc. I absolutely love character development. This RP would either take place here, or take place over e-mail, if that's alright with you. I prefer e-mail, but I understand if that isn't your cup of tea. I can also keep in touch via Google hangouts if you've got a gmail. (Basically an instant messaging app). [b]--- My Limits --- [/b] - I don't RP slash or cest. - Romance, if any, would be limited, nothing explicit. [b]--- GENRES + FANDOMS --- Fantasy Modern Lab Gifted The Hobbit,[/b] preferably something Durin family related. I have plots available [b]Marvel [/b] maybe Bucky/Wanda related, if you ship them [b]Fire Emblem Awakening [/b] I haven't yet won the game so I am not fully up for this rn. + I am open to suggestions too.[/center]