His breath caught in his throat when he saw her as she opened the door. She looked beautiful and really pulled out some stops for their date. Yes, an honest and real date. H he had a small fear that she would say no to his invitation but… something deep down inside of him said that the worry was unnecessary. Her shy smile was adorable and his heart throbbed in his chest as she slid her hand into his as if it was natural and normal. Lacing his fingers in with hers, he gave her hand a small squeeze and continued to the car. As normal as could be, he opened the passenger’s door for her and let her in. Soon he was in the driver’s seat buckled and pulling out of the parking spot. When she asked where they were heading he gave a grin. “The first place I ever found a passion for cooking. I want to the experience I had with you.” He said with a nod. Reaching over, he gently took her hand in his. Something about that simple notation was enjoyable and comfortable. He pulled into a little hole in the wall location with just a door and a sign reading [i]Yan’s Teppanyaki restaurant[/i]. Getting out of the car, he offered her his hand before leading her inside and locking the car behind them. The restaurant was small and comfortable with a few employees and a couple sets of customers. He led her to a table with a large grill in front of it. After pulling out her chair and sitting her down he sat next to her. “Mister Noble!” The [url=http://3m1yvb3ekpj045f9t02a2ryq.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Benihana-02-e1421003451397.jpg]older man in a red chief hat[/url] approached the grill. “Haven’t seen you in years. You sure have grown. Who is this?” “Mister Yan, this is Miss Freya Von Ryker, she is my date this evening. You inspired me to cook and I want to share this with her. Please.” “I see I see, say no more.” He gave Freya a polite bow, “It’s a pleasure. And I hadn’t realized my own cooking and presentation had influenced the young man. I trust he is not a problem for you?” The man asked in a teasing fashion as he picked up two large knives and began to rub them against one another. “What kind food would you two like?” “I’ll take whatever you want to make.” Turning his midnight blue gaze he gave her a bright smile. “And what would you like?”