"Seems like it...hadn't expected the extra company though." replied Travis in response to Nemo's morning greeting while rubbing one of his eyes. It was then one of the newcomers noticed him and gave a friendly wave and a shy smile. Travis responded in kind with a formal hand wave and a similar and positive expression. It was not soon afterwards that one of the new members accompanying Felix had broken off to seemingly explore the place a bit. Her choice of attire was unusual at best, though Travis knew couldn't discredit her if someone like Felix had showed up out of the blue. Then there was Alya whom was interfacing with another unknown face in what appeared to be a mana transfusion of sorts. The act begged for Travis' curiosity in the matter but Felix's timely entry dissuaded that notion as he sought the Untalent's assistance in analyzing the Paragon. "Sounds like a plan to me, boss." Travis nearly yawned as he went and followed Felix towards their lab, "What did you have in mind for the morning?"